[quote=Zagan] Posted, hope its okay, and i really like the wraith idea Crim :) [/quote] It was an idea for a storyline I came up with during work after watching a stupid hallmark movie called "Girl Fight" about some bitches beating up a girl and putting it on youtube. After some... MAJOR revisions, and the addition of the supernatural, I somehow ended up with a group of bounty hunters working for the devil. Although not like you'd think. Here, the devil (Lucifer) is an okay guy. He's just the warden of the prison known as Hell. Although, he's not very good at it as demons keep escaping (one mass escape was because he got drunk and put monkeys in charge of Hell... because he thought it'd be funny). So he hired a small group that consists of a Wraith (Maximilian), a Spirit (Bethany), a Succubus (Amoira), a Werewolf (Luken), an Alucard (a male vampire (females are Draculinas) who can trace their vampiric heritage back to Dracula himself. Names Jacob, by the way), a Grim Reaper (Max's sister Hallie), and Lucifer's twin sister, Lucille (who runs a strip club). What can I say? I got REALLY fucking bored at work. In fact, most of my ideas come from either being bored (like Wraith), not liking how something ended (Ikki Tousen), having a crush on a fictional character (Metroid), just straight up loving a show (One Piece), or just wanting to knock an op character down a few pegs (Superman). Well, and RPing, of course.