[b]Aaliyah and Imogen - Baton Rouge/House - Hank's group[/b] The group had finally reached into the east end of the city as the group of vehicles slowed down, carefully picking there way through a small town area, it was definitely the outskirts now and much like New Orleans the place didn't seem to fair any better looking run down and ruined as much as the last place it was a awful and sad site to see but alas one which was not to much of a surprised for people nowadays... It felt much like the norm. There was a momentary silence on the radio from Aaliyah's question, maybe no one knew how to answer? or the group was far more separated then she feared. Eventually Jennifer answered her, the answer didn't do much to calm her worries over Heather but was a little reassuring that others cared but she agreed with Jennifer about checking up on her, At least communication was slowly coming back a little more for them. The group came to a stop at a stop sign, Aaliyah couldn't really see why but more concerned at glancing around every now and again to make sure there was no walkers nearby or coming out of the run down houses, fortunately the coast looked clear as she looked ahead out the window to see what was going on. She could see Hank followed by Floyd go over to DeSean's vehicle but seemed to be discussing something that warranted them to stop at a potential dangerous, It was around that time Hank signalled her over and got the others out of the car to go over to the rest of the forming up group while Floyd open the door to motion them out of the vehicle and group up with the rest of the group, Imogen grabbed her Crossbow from the seat, She already had her other weapons on her always to be on the ready for anything in a new area while Heather still looked so down and out... Poor woman. After Hank made his speech, it was great in a way that the group seemed t be slowly going back to their old selves, Hank appeared to be suddenly back out of no where, like how the hell did he just do that? Aaliyah made a note to check up on him on it later just to make sure he was okay. Imogen on the other hand followed Hank and Floyd into the house that was selected for them to stay in for the night, As the two men scouted the first two rooms Imogen checked the third. [b]"Dining Room clear"[/b] She whispered keeping alert with her crossbow loaded and aimed in the direction she was going, Cautiously she made her way up the stairs ordered to check, Other than the odd creek coming from Imogen as she stepped on a few steps there was no other real sound at all, it was eerily quiet but this did not stop her from doing what was asked of her without hesitation. Imogen checked every room upstairs thoroughly including wardrobes in the bedrooms, behind the shower curtain in the bathroom, she left nothing a miss as there was no walker insight.. Hell she even cautiously checked the large Airing cupboard in the hallway just to make sure no unpleasantness where not shoved in there, after all no one wants a lethal surprise in the middle of the night. Soon after she came to the top of the stairs seeing Hank and Floyd at the bottom. She smiled a little at them. [b]"All clear up here guys."[/b] She answered. While this was going on inside Aaliyah was still outside with the rest of the group She smiled as Seth gave her the towel he had been wearing all this time and thanked her as she folded it in her arms she nodded and smiled at him as he went of to help Aiden unpack the stuff as he put it, but it was cute to see him sort out his glasses and go. Aaliyah did not go to assist with unpacking any stuff like she normally would with the medical supplies but instead wanted to check up on Heather more than anything else, There was enough people to help pack while she went over to have a quiet word with her close friend, She was worried sick about the woman.. feeling like she let her down and should of been the one to take her place and go back then when something horrific happened, She still to this moment was not even sure what it was as Imogen certainly wouldn't tell her. Was it for her own good? either way her friendship and care for Heather never wavered and she wanted to let her know she would always be there for her. Standing next to her Aaliyah gathered her thoughts for a moment. [b]"Hey"[/b] She said softly watching as the others went to work on unpacking. [b]" I just wanted to say I am sorry.... I feel that it should of been me out there and not you."[/b] She paused for a moment. [b]" I know something bad happened to you out there and I wont force it upon you tell me, But I wanted you to know for what it is worth my door is always open for you to talk to me okay."[/b] Her speech was soft as she looked at Heather for a moment she gently placed her soft hand on Heather's shoulder. [b]" I am worried about you, so are the others even if it may not seem like it, I asked about you while we were on the move.. What I am saying is we still care about you, You have been there for me since day one and I will always be here for you."[/b] She stopped after that as she stood with her friend weather anything she said got through or she said what she meant correctly but Aaliyah could only hope. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [b]Turisa - Baton Rouge Neighbourhood – Abram and the girls.[/b] The ride to baton rouge was mostly a quiet one with only Abram and Samantha speaking when they slowed and turned of at the ramp, Turisa had been quiet as a ghost on the journey, she had been so used to being alone for so long it was hard and strange to be with other people, Every time she ended up with some one something happened like the girl with the asthma that went of looking for her father. What made it harder was Jessyaln with her baby.. Turi never knew if any in the group especially Abram even noticed the picture she had not hidden in the glove box of the lost infant child which had destroyed her so much, it was the one of the main reason for her being so silent and non responsive, It was like fate playing a little joke on her for failing. They soon turned down into a quiet part of the neighbourhood, literally it was silent, It made sense coming into these kinda of areas as they tended to less populated than that of the central or down town area or larger cities, from her experience Abram made the right choice and a safer one at the but remained silent as she was looking out through the window checking the surrounding's it was clear this used to be a nice area that had been turned into nothing more than a ruined with run down houses, It was a awful and sad site indeed. A walker caught her eye but the fat things was mopping around a green house and luckily never caught it's attention. Abram eventually brought them up to a Cul-de-sac and pulling up in front of a three story house, A lot of the windows were boarded up meaning people used to be here, did it originally get over run or did they just leave in hope of finding another or safer place? either the way place looked much more secure than anywhere else and was in a quiet neighbourhood. Abram took Samantha with him as he told the other girls to stay in her truck as the other two left towards the house to check if it was secure for the small group, despite Turisa best efforts to keep an eye on them from the truck she lost sight of the two as they went round the back of the house from the driveway, other than that it pretty much stayed silent in the truck with no one really speaking up. The wait was evil and long, Turisa even wondered if the two if they got inside were okay or not she was getting anxious and frigidity resisting the urge to jump out the truck and check in on the place herself.. After all she was a cop even if from the wrong state.. It wasn't as if the jurisdiction still stood any more. Fortunately Samantha had returned to her truck and waved to the three of them, this must of meant that the house was clear and secure enough for them, It would be interesting to see what was inside, The woman was helping out Jess and Leah out of the vehicle while Turisa grabbed the truck keys before climbing out of the passenger side she was on. She took a moment to look around, despite the sight the area seemed so peaceful, although quiet was something she was not used to coming from Chicago to New Orleans but being a city girl probably had something to do with that. When the girl's were clear of the truck and of the road Turi looked at the driveway before looking down the road from the Cul-De-Sac for a few moment and actually spoke for the first time in a while. [b]" You guys go on ahead, I am going to back up the truck on the driveway."[/b] She said with that hint of Latin in her accent, She then moved over to the drivers side of her truck before climbing in, She started up the truck and drove it round a little so the rear was facing the driveway as she looked ahead up the road, There was a temptation to just drive up the road and go and leave them. That very though alone made her think of herself and what she had become just thinking of abandoning people, She had been alone for so long dealing with her own trauma that she seemed to loss herself, She was a police officer, sworn to protect and serve.. Something she failed in greatly, She once had a great heart to but since been broken and closed. The truck sat there for a few more moments in the street. She looked in the mirror seeing the three other girls and one with the child before looking down at her own picture. [b]"Dam it, get a hold of yourself Turi"[/b] She whispered to her self and shook her head.. Putting the vehicle in reverse she drove it back and onto the driveway making sure the vehicle was close and get to leave with if necessary for the group. Switching the engine of and climbing out she locked the vehicle before looking at them again, before looking down a little and away and as went round and into the house to find Abram in there, First impressions where good, in fact the best place she seen in a long while.