[center][img]http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130208032337/starwars/images/c/cf/Knightfall2.png[/img] [i]"First, I want you to go to the Jedi Temple. We will catch them off balance. Do what must be done, Lord Vader. Do not hesitate; show no mercy."[/i] ―Darth Sidious[/center] Watching from his vantage point the young Padawan looked out the viewport, there was quite the gathering as LAATs had been swarming around the temple. The hulk of a Venator could just be seen from his vantage point skulking above the temple. [i]"What's going on?[/i] One of the group could be heard asking, [i]"There must be threat of an attack! like when they took the chancellor!"[/i] But it all stopped when they saw him. Leading lines of white and blue clad stormtroopers up the steps towards the temple there was a figure clad in black robes. There was something about the way he held himself, while the robes were that of a Jedi something was [i]different[/i]. He closed his eyes, like many around him had done stretching out with the Force as best he could. He was still trying to sense the being in the Force when he felt a sharp pain, opening his eyes he could hear some of the other Padawans around him cry. Looking down he saw why, the gatemaster had been slain... by a lightsaber. With that the LAATs erupted into activity, like carrion beetles after their nest had been kicked. The Temple shook under the barrage, troopers stormed the temple and despite the distance between his group and the main entrance he could hear the sounds of blasters resonating throughout the temple. He pulled his hand down to his belt as a squad of four troopers ran around the corner, however he did not ignite his blade. Where the other Padawans failed to find his voice he spoke up. "Trooper, what is going on? Who is attacking the temple?!" With that his question was answered as four rifles were levied at the group of Padawans. He managed to ignite his lightsaber, blocking what would be a fatal blow however the others around him were not so fast falling to the rapid fire shots from the blaster rifles. Tears stung his eyes, hate welled within him. He knew it was wrong but he could not help it, pushing out in the Force the four clones went flying back into a nearby wall. However at the same time he felt something pierce him back, looking down he saw the tip of a blade protruding from his stomach. The lightsaber in his hand dropped to the floor, closing his eyes for the last time he pushed away his anger. [i]There is no death, only the Force.[/i] --- Tyrell spun his blade on front of him, a yellow disk of light appearing on front of him with how fast the blade was moving. Concentrating on two things along, the Force and the Lightsaber. He allowed one to control the other, as the clones continued to pour through a breach in the wall. He turned to those who had gathered behind him, in his helmet he could hear the calling of his fellow guards and he knew they were all in similar positions as him. They had sworn to defend the temple however an assault on this scale was not expected. He turned his head slightly to face those behind him "Fall back, fall back to the-" His sentence was never finished, an explosion ruptured the wall next to him. Blown of his feet, vision blurred and with ringing in his ears he was cast down a nearby corridor, he barely managed to keep a hold off and deactivate his lightsaber let alone prevent from hitting his head. He ached all over when he came too, no more than a couple of seconds later. He already knew those he had been protecting were now dead, only the Force had sustained him. He stood up, painfully and began to run with a limp. He would gather anyone he could, and find a way out of the temple. It had fallen, but the Jedi would survive.