[Travis] You decide that the prop room might have some useful stuff in it. You drop off your current loot in the booth and make your way to the prop room. [i]Locked, as usual, this is gonna take a while[/i] You start picking the lock to the prop room [i]Hopefully I'll be able to link up with the others before long, or I'm not gonna live though this crap[/i] You get the door open and enter the prop room and start to make you way though, looking for anything that might be helpful for surviving, and find a plastic chest plate. [i]Better than nothing[/i] You put on the chest plate and find a bow with training arrows near by. [i]Bow might be useful, arrows not so much but at least I have something to hit with at range.[/i] You use the quiver that is new by and load the arrows in and take the bow with you back to the booth and sort out what you have to work with [i]Food and water are going to be a major priority for the foreseeable future[/i] You start to relax when you realize where you are [i]Wait....I have freaking roof access from here, might as well see what is happening outside and try to figure out what can be done to get mobile and get resources from the surrounding area.[/i] You make you way back to the prop room door and get to work picking the lock on the door to the roof.