Elijah tried to do his best to put on a smiling face and be a decent host. Its not that his mother and everyone he knew as a child beat into him that it was a mortal sin on the level of genocide. He was tired, almost too tired to fight but he wasn't nor could he show it. His bet to win right was to throw this guy off his game. Whatever information Lite Bright had on him would have said Elijah was more likely to fight than to talk. The kinda guy that knows its coming and doesn't see the need for taking longer than need be to get there. "See! Was that so hard, Lite Bright? Why get a truck that big without a Hemi?" Elijah said without a care in the world as if it was the most foreign thing in the world him. Lite Bright came looking for a fight but instead found mind games and a irritation that the best topical ointment couldn't fix. He watched every step Lite Bright took. He noted that he was moving slower up the stairs even though it wasn't by much. Light Bright kept looking around, that coupled with those unnatural eyes. In Elijah mind it seemed clear that his powers were tied to his eyes. It would be impossible to know what he could do until the time came to fight. A prospect that would seem a lot better and a great deal more fun after he got some sleep. He kept his fingers tight and eyes trained at the skull of Lite Bright. He was ready to be send an attack at this dudes head. He walked right past both him and Roze. The bottle was what he was after. "First question is who the fuck are you? Second, anybody else wanna drink? Third who the fuck on is on the roof? Did I ask if anyone wanted a drink? If anyone is in distress I can make you a hot beverage." Elijah smiled holding a glass and the bottle up. It was then heard the footsteps on the roof. "All these people showing up. I feel liked I should have cooked something.... Pasta... Linguine with a pesto sause.... No not even every likes pesto... Red clam sause? Should have just made both and give them options. Everybody loves options... I don't what do you guys think?" Elijah was still playing mind games but he was getting a little more worried as time past. More and more were showing up, this place was getting unsafe to be. He knew the phone call was a bad idea but he would have bet the farm that he a lot more time than what he got. He had a lot to be worried about but his biggest concern was that of on coming sobriety.