Ganondorf held his curses in. What was that moron [i]doing?[/i] Supporting the enemy?! This had better be a way to turn Midna to his own side. He took it as that sort of opportunity. "My lady!" His voice boomed over those of the murmuring crowd. "You are right. Zelda does not belong on the throne." He began walking toward the Twili. The crowd parted as though his presence was a knife cutting through the softest loaf of bread. He shot a glare at Dark Link. "This kingdom is in shambles since your good king, Harkinian, had fallen ill." He addressed the people. "Zelda is not a suitable replacement. Though she is kind and she is good, she lacks the brutality required to keep herself and her people safe. Come people, let us raise a new ruler to the throne. One more capable of ruling." "You're a Gerudo, are you not?" A shaky Hylian stepped out into the open space in front of the Evil King. "What does the fate of Hyrule have to do with you?" "Trade. And, of course, protection. I propose open trade routes and soldiers to the Hylian people... on one condition. Zelda is [i]not[/i] on the throne." He smirked at the Hylian. "And who do [i]you[/i] propose takes her place?" A woman's voice sounded from the crowd. "Your lady, the Twilight Princess." He gave the princess a regal bow. "My lady, I offer my support in your endeavors."