[quote=YamiCuoreLaroux] The redhead quickly turned around from her place in front of one of the bookshelves and held the books that she had removed behind her. "I thought I had that. When I was brought to the house." She glanced back at the bookshelf behind her. Before she had been startled by the slamming door and the angry-seeming voice, she had been looking through the books. Well, that was a bit oversimplifying it, really. She had just casually been wondering if any of the books actually hid the way to open a secret passage and had gotten distracted by some of the book titles as she had been gently pulling on the rectangular objects to hopefully reveal such a passage. Upon opening a few of the books, she had gotten a bit distracted in previewing the stories, and...yeah... "I got lost, and I thought this was a library, so I just thought that I'd have a look. Or is this your room and are these just your romance novel collection...?" It was a stupid thing to say, and she knew it, but Vivi couldn't seem to realize how to stop herself from saying it until it was already halfway out of her mouth. She still winced as she let it hang in the air, knowing that the books in her hand proved the statement false, anyway. Unless these books did turn into romance stories later on. She only read the first few pages, after all. [/quote] "It isn't exactly my library. It just my territory and books are important to me." Xavier walks over to a table and places the book down. "Just please tell me when you're coming here and as for the vast number of books they belong to the whole family I just take care of them."