Shir-Val-Kuul was in her room, reading through one of the historical files on her datapad which she had requested from the archives for about the third time. She felt about her a particular uncertainty which had really strengthened in the past few months, though to say it was a recent development would be innaccurate. In reality, it had never been a secret, to herself or to her peers, that Shir's views on the Jedi and the code were somewhat unconventional, but she had always acted within acceptable bounds. Overall, no matter how she felt, Shir believed in the Jedi. She felt that the point and goal of the Jedi Order was something the galaxy desperately needed, but all of the little flaws she had noticed over the years, the things which did not seem quite right in her mind, they had been building up undeniably. Shir let out a scarcely audible sigh as she dropped her datapad down on her desk. The Mandalorian Wars, they were a well-known event of history, something most educated beings were taught about, something young children loved to reenact with their toy blasters. But to Shir, they represented a failure of the Jedi. Such was not an uncommon view among scholars and historians, but she wondered in exactly [i]what[/i] way they truly failed? The Jedi Council of the time refused to act and allowed entire planets to suffer, while those who defied them fell prey to themselves. In that, it was no different from much of galactic history, the cycles of peace, then failures of the Jedi to stop the wars. Shir could not yet profess to knowing exactly what it was, but if history had repeated itself so many times, then she coudl not shake the feeling that something was fundamentally wrong. Suddenly, Shir's focus was snatched from her thoughts, and into the moment. He heard it, she felt it, strongly and intensely all around her. It was battle, that unmistakable sensation with whcih she was all too familiar. Even the dullest of Padawans could feel the disturbance which was so close by, the pain which filled the air. The Temple was under attack; that was unmistakable. Shir grabbed her primary saber in her hand and snapped her tool belt around her waist. Like most of her species, it was all she wore. She rushed out of her room and started down the hallway. Normally, most Jedi would not be in their rooms for another few hours, so she saw no others until she turned the corner to three clone troopers. With all that she could feel and hear, Shir did not need to hesitate. With a thought, she activated her lightsaber while pulling her shoto to her other hand from her belt. Her suspicions were confirmed when the trio opened fire, but her well-honed reactions were more than enough to protect her. Two of the bolts she deflected, while the third she reflected into the center clone's knee. As the middle clone was collapsing to the ground, the other two fired their second volley, through which Shir began to rush forward. She deflected the two bolts, then threw her shoto forward into the chest of the clone on the left, while sprinting at the one on the right. He was only able to fire one more shot before she reached him, and after she dodged to the side, there was nothing he could do to stop her from nearly bisecting him. By this point, the clone on the ground was bringing his weapon to bear, but a simple force push was all it took to divert his aim, followed by a clean slash across the neck. Retrieving her shoto, Shir quickly moved on in the direction of the atrium. A few clones combing what they likely believed to be a less populated section of the temple were not too great a threat, but she had a feeling there were far more than a few present. She had no real plan yet, but finding someone to group up with seemed like a solid start.