Link had spent his tell well scouting and determining the best route to the throne room, it would involve going through the royal quarters and the past each royal family members bedroom but it would be worth it. Sneaking past the first guard who was asleep on duty as he made his way through the garden occasionally trading glaces with his new fairy companion he stopped halfway through, here was where things got tricky. Pulling himself up onto the roof of one the verandas he slowly walked along jumping down once he passed the group of guards breaking for lunch under it. Soon he had made it across the garden and to the hall, he began to make his way though only stopping once seeing to servants duck into a bedroom. He decided to rest for a moment leaning against the wall he looked at his fairy friend. "Lets stop here, catch our breath before we move on, alright?" He sighed, he was saddened by Fi's silence as of late but he knew that she could sleep for long period of time and then awaken, time meant nothing to her.