[center][img=http://cache.desktopnexus.com/thumbnails/1320932-bigthumbnail.jpg][/center] --- The winds of the kingdom were sweet and fresh, much like any other day in spring. The dark heralds of winter had all passed by and the proud nation of Crescentia had persevered through it once more. In the conglomeration of towns and villages surrounding the main castle, life flourished as villager and citizen alike began to sift through the still melting snow and prepare for a sunny future. Talk of war and battle were all but things in the past, the most common grievance being that of childhood pranks on the elders. Politics were doing well with the other three nations of the world, and despite the decrease in the king and queen’s public activity, their daughter was performing excellently in the eyes of her people. Unfortunately, it was all too ideal. News of border skirmishes involving a rouge knight from an unknown kingdom had spread throughout the common folk, eventually reaching the castle’s gates. In no time, a suspect was quickly taken in, brought before Princess Alice, and then sent to the castle’s many dungeon cells. This unknown knight was apparently sent by an equally enigmatic organization to assassinate Crescentia’s only princess. Of course, all of these plans were foiled by the knight’s capture, but these were still disturbing news to the populace and the princess’ father and mother. Even now, the mystery knight waits to rot in her prison, knowing that death will follow her soon… “Nng…!” The sounds of bones possibly cracking under the hard weight of a fist forced the breath out of Melissa’s lungs for what was perhaps the tenth time that day. How long was it until sunset? How long until she could finally let the darkness claim her mind and pass out, away from the trivialities of this harsh reality? She glanced up at the streams of light sprayed out from the holes of the stone cell. Far too long. Way too long before sunset would arrive. Muttering to herself with a trembling grin, Melissa let her head hang down, the bottom of her chin resting on her chest. A large, purple mark was beginning to form over her left eye-the right one was devoid of even an eye-and her body had been bent in places she wasn’t even aware of until her capture. Heavy chains were wrapped around her wrists and arms, lopping her towards the ceiling and forever forcing her to be suspended from the air. And so this was to be her fate for however long the fair and oh so merciful Princess decided to keep her. The bitch…why didn’t she just end it already? How she wanted to preach about peace…to hell with all that! The hypocritical bitch…but no, she allowed these goons, no, these bastards to abuse her in each passing hour. How she hated it all. “Uggn…” A soft click on the cell door signaled the arrival of her next torturer. With a grit in her teeth, Melissa said nothing more, only bringing her face up to playfully glare at her cell’s entrance. Whoever entered next would not hear any screams from her soon.