[hider=The Navigator] [b]Name:[/b] Anabella Hauer [b]Age:[/b] 33 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Description:[/b] Lithe and athletic built standing at 5'7 barefoot, LCDR Hauer is in even better shape than when she was as a Midshipman. Shining and straight black hair frames a pretty heart shaped face and big brown eyes, her lips full and pink and well moisturized. She is typically immaculately groomed, to the point of fair play when someone takes a crack at her for it. [b]Personality:[/b] Anabella Hauer is a polished professional. Patient, calm natured, and impossibly positive. A master of awareness and control of her own attitude, and it's effect on others, it's uncommon to find her in a sour mood for too long. An expert at multitasking and compartmentalizing her life; though in more private moments some of those compartmentalized parts of her, the parts that aren't just the Naval officer and intellectual, will sometimes show themselves in brief glimpses. [b]Crew Role:[/b] Navigator. [b]Biography:[/b] A good kid from a broken home was the selling point to get Anabella Hauer into Anapolis. From that acceptence, her life has been on a singular course with precious little time or energy for too much outside of that trajectory. She became a model Midshipman, then a model flight student, then a model pilot and JO, then a model candidate for NASA. For a time after enrolling into postgrad programs to enhance her NASA application status, newly minted LCDR Hauer lived more of a civilian life than the Navy heavy life she had always known while attending post-graduate studies in Astrophysics from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. After a Masters of Science in Systems Engineering and Astrophysics from MIT, her career hit it's one and only snag to date: due to her academic schedule she missed that year's deadline for astronaut selection. Instead she was to join SPAWAR as an experimental test pilot for just over a year until she was selected by NASA for the astronaut corps. Almost as soon as she was taken into the corps she began being groomed for her current mission. LCDR Hauer would like to think she knows the Exodus as well as anyone else, which will come in handy when she's trying to determine how to get the craft where it needs to go. In fact, she has spent so much time with the engineering teams and managing astronauts before launch that she is perhaps behind on other important mission areas: especially being familiar with the entire crew. While she and the pilot have spent simulator hours together, many of the crew outside of the scientific core has yet to have much exposure with the Exodus' navigator. [/hider]