Letting his staff materialize at his side from his inventory, Prince went over to Hazard and Cat with a smile on his face. [b]"I hope you don't mind letting me join you. I need a bit of leveling as well. With the two of us, I doubt it'll take very long."[/b] He explained, standing to the right of Cat. He made pains not to get too close to her, or anyone here. Why, he didn't understand. He just noticed that he was doing it and he didn't feel like stopping. If what that man had said was true, Prince's Paradise was even more fragile than he'd once thought. If he could split himself into and go protect both groups, he would. But for now, he knew where he needed to be and where he WOULD be every night from now on. He was just sort of late on the ball. Nothing like the end to make you run a bit faster to keep it everything going. Prince suddenly felt like a gerbil, desperately try to run on his little wheel to keep the dream going, to keep the facade of happiness alive. Prince turned his head to Hazard with a smile. [b]"I'm in your hands, Hazard-Sensei."[/b] He joked, chuckling to himself softly.