32 Aegar wasn't sure what to think of the enhancements made to his twin swords. He wasn't a big fan of using jeweled weaponry, as most jeweled weapons were made for beauty over practicality, but at least most of the blade was unaltered. He sheathed his weapons and groped around the back of his belt to find that his daggers had miraculously returned to their sheaths too, however those were unchanged. Once he’d made certain he was fully armed once more, he looked around at the other mages, who all appeared to have received a similar augmentation. One of the girls now even held an extraordinary staff that he was certain wasn't there before. Why would they all receive such a thing? Was there some kind of magic tied to the gems? He shook the thought out of his head, figuring he’d get an answer sooner or later, and for the first time really inspected the five others. The first to catch his eye was the unmistakable stone-armor-clad figure. The stories about the mysterious Jade Fist reached far and wide, even all the way to Tenebra even though he had no business here. The stories were none the less diverse for it too. For all Aegar knew, he could be a slaver-fighting superhero, an anarchist intent on destroying the human nobility or an undead who kidnaps and sacrifices innocent children. Aegar had never truly believed the latter story, but then again he’d never even to Lucerna before, so who knows. The second to catch his eye was the shortest of them all, so short he might’ve overlooked her if she wasn’t so blindingly beautiful. Black wavy hair and a flawless feminine face gave her an aura of beauty that even the succubi of Tenebra had trouble keeping up with. She might’ve been an exceptionally attractive elf, but more likely she was a Nymph. Aegar had never seen one in person, as they were said to rarely leave their homeland, but there are few men in all of Divus who hadn’t heard the stories. A sly smile crept across his face as he contemplated how his stay here might end up even better than anticipated. Then his eyes landed on the human. He didn’t look too important at first sight. Pale, broad-shouldered and clad in chainmail and fur, could’ve been anyone. But that hammer looked far too valuable and royal, even without the newly added jewels, to belong to some lowborn hunter, and he didn’t seem like the thieving type. That marked him as some kind of noble. Aegar frowned upon the thought of having to work not only with a human, but with a noble one. Humans and demons, being of opposing elements after all, were notorious for clashing wherever they met. The other two were less eye-catching, at least for now. The one near the volcano was probably a lycanthrope - considering the furry ears atop his head - and the other a shifter if her color pallet was any indicator. He had no beef with lycanthropes and shifters, having never been to the native continent of either, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t keep an eye on them just in case. Once he’d quietly followed the group through the portal, he was surprised, to say the least, with the surroundings they ended up in. Sunny and green, an environment so unlike Tenebra that it almost made him feel out of place being there. Aegar quietly went along with the group, not having swapped words with any of the other mages yet, as they were transferred from one guide to another, one who was almost unmistakably a vampire. The vampire, Evelynn, was slender, pale and rather attractive, but also rude and seemingly uninterested. He furrowed his brow in surprise when she spoke directly to him, unsure of whether he should feel threatened or aroused. Before he could think of a suitable reply, she was already gone, leaving the six Sages to explore their towers by themselves. Aegar had been assigned to the same tower as the Nymph, Calixta. For the first time in a long time he felt nervous, for he was to get along with someone he knew nothing about; even her race was unknown territory to him. He looked around to see the other mages fortunately caught up with each other, allowing him to split off from the group unnoticed and follow the Nymph through the door and up the spiraling staircase, still unsure of what he would say to her once they were both inside.