[quote=louie221] Jonah, thankful to get a... half-sane answer, shook his head in confusion. "I have no clue. Seems like we're in some sort of... I dunno, foreign country? Maybe it's all got to do with the moon... Like those weird glittery beaches, or maybe it's a strange animal like glowworms that changes this stuff...?" he spoke slowly, moving toward the woman. These stupid fantasies weren't real, there can't be purple grass and trees don't twist! "Do you know how we got here?" he asked stupidly, realizing that, odds are, nobody actually did. His hands reached to his pockets, feeling around for his wallet, or phone, anything that he had before. Nothing. His wallet and phone had disappeared. [/quote] Alex stared at the imaginative figure. Usually her conscious caved in at this point and started taunting her, whispering to her about how full of shit she was, how even her Wonderland didn't love her. "I-I don't know," she said cautiously. "I, um..." Her voice trailed off into uncertainty. "I'm just going to wander around. Wait until this coma blows over. Both of you are welcome to keep me company, despite the fact that you're both projections of my mind and will likely make me to a little bit more senile once I wake."