John watched as Light took off to do her job and he turned to listen to Constantine speak to him about the group's standards. He wasn't at all surprised about the no killing civilians, that was quite obvious, they were heroes after all. The excessive damage might be a problem with some of the other heroes since hero work regularly involved a lot of collateral damage. And of course no killing a villain unless there isn't any other choices, this was the one rule that he didn't like. Sympathy for criminals wasn't really something that he had a lot of for criminals. "Got all of that dude, but I hope you've prepared yourself for the inevitable destruction that is normally caused by superhumans" John replied to Constantine, and he thought of all those times when he had got into situations that were incredibly dangerous and where a lot of things were broken. Hero work was not as easy as pop culture liked to make it look like it was. "So you want me and Light to work together? She seems like she could be a loose cannon and her whacky appearance could be hindrance on an important mission. But I'm cool with working alongside her if that's what the bosses demand" he said to Constantine as he picked his fanged teeth with his fingernails that he had transformed into claws, he hadn't changed his teeth back to normal, but he didn't exactly care if people found what he was doing as nasty and continued to pick.