[b][i]Cedric[/i][/b] "Yeah, I'm a Meta," spoke Cedric, "my power is to use any tool or instruement in existence, possibly even superweapons created by S and SS-type Gifted. As for that law, well, let's just say that people don't care enough about Metas to actually enforce it; besides, my existence is secret or semi-secret anyway. Anyway, I've heard of you from the Official Meta Registry. Light, right? I watch tapes of you during my breaks from basic training. I like your stuff, and it's too bad you're not here for a show," he said, smiling. Then, he and William walked off behind the toonish Metahuman, at least until she got shocked by the electronics. "Are you okay?" Cedric asked concernedly. [b][i]Constantine[/i][/b] "Considering that people are departing the city," Constantine spoke to Bio-Beast/John, "yeah, I'm ready. And, don't discount Light; despite her apperance, she has a good head on her shoulders." Then, he saw Light, Cedric, and William departing from the ruins. "Cedric!" he shouted as the boy ran towards him, tears falling out of his eyes (15, remember?), before both people embraced each other closely, crying. "I'm so happy to see you're alive..." The illusionist was smiling now. "Same for you, Consty," spoke Cedric, forgetting his desire for vengance for a moment. He then smiled at Light and Bio-Beast, and continued: "Hello, guys, it seems as though we haven't been formally introduced. My name is Cedric Wessex, scion of the Wessex Family of Chicago. I know your real names already, considering you're registered and all." "Ced, don't be obnoxious, let them introduce their names to us," spoke Constantine. "Anyway, we have to get our new recruits - including Palema/Twist whom I have not mentioned till now, to Safehouse Q immidiately. We two, meanwhile, are going to stay at Elena's," he stated, eliciting a smile from Cedric. After introductions were done, came time for the trip to the aforementioned Safehouse Q... [B][I]Timeskip[/i][/b] Safehouse Q, as it turned out, was a brothel that somehow stayed running throughout the chaos in LA. Both Light, Pamela/Twist and Bio-Beast could be offended, but Constantine would explain that they chose the brothel for a reason: if the bad guys attacked, then they would attract a lot of attention while doing so, that, and many bad guys wouldn't want to 'waste' a good brothel anyway. This would still inconvinience Light and Bio-Beast, the latter who was also underage in California, but hey, safety had its price. Either way, they would also meet a person named Abigail Rose, who was constantly accompanied by remote-controlled drones due to the risks that her power, to control others' emotions, showed. For the rest of the night, as well as most of the next day (aka enough time for Ruby to infiltrate StuCorp, and for Gary to discover where the signals used by the Voice had come from), the trio would do nothing but settle in and complain about their lot amidst the noises of the prostitutes doing their...business. Then, they would recieve a mesage from Constantine: "Light, Bio-Beast, we've just recieved word from our sources: A gang has been trying to take advantage of the chaos by offering Metahumans a way out of the city...and then selling them to human traffickers, aka slavery. Basically, demand for superpowered labor is high, especially if one doesn't have to pay." "Pamela, Abigail, a Lynch Mob is going after the families of the Magi, LA's previous Superhero Team. I'm going to need your riot training and emotion-controlling powers in order to get said mob to disperse peacefully, earning us brownie points with the Magi themselves; let's just say I have a good reason to want that." "If it seems like I'm railroading you," Constantine's voice continued, "you have the option of switching missions - except for Abigail whose powers are needed for the mob - or just switching team members. Either way, you have to do these missions, no matter what."