Charles smiled a bit. "A pleasure to meet you Ariel." He said with a smile as he his maid brought out the food. "Ariel please sit down you ahve done enough why not enjoy the food and keep an eye on Master Charles for he likes to sneak booze when he can't mix his medicine with it." She said as she palced the food in front of Philip also. Charles only chuckled a bit as he ate the food for he was hungry and wanted to get his medicine over with so he can drink soon. Soon the phone went off and His maid answered it. "Hello......WHAT!!!!! what do you mean she coded!!!!!!!!! You said she was fine doing the medicine and treatment!!!!!" She yelled into the phone and charles stopped eating. "We will be right over." She siad and hung up before looking at her employer. "Sir it seems Amy has coded her heart just stopped all of a sudden." SHe siad worried and Charlesstood up fast. "GET MY CAR NOW WE ARE GOING TO THE HOSPITAL THIS INSTANT!!" He yelled and the maids all scrammbled around to do as he wanted them to do and the limo was soon waiting for them AS Charles got his coat and went to the Limo. "You two are welcome to come but I need to get there now." He said as he got in. Back at the hospital the doctors were working frantically to revivie AMy and were wondering why she all of a sudden coded. Soon the doctors shocked her a couple times and her heart started to beat and her breakthing was steady again. The doctors signhed in relief but knew they had Anger Mr. Ravenwood the one man to no anger.