[quote=Tyrant from the West] Actually, that reminds me. Although im only part way through season one i've heard about how 90 wasn't the lvl cap anymore. Will it be the same way in this rp? Although it looks like it takes butt loads of time to lvl up now, will that be a possibility later on? [/quote] Yes, however making a character that starts at a level higher than 90 is a no-go. It should be possible to get to a higher level in-character, however, given enough time. [quote=Kilo6] Wow, never thought I'd see a Log Horizon RP! Loving the second season (despite currently going through a "lets all monologue" phase). XD Mind if I make a character? [/quote] What's the worst that can happen? Go for it. Now it's a shame that SilverDawn isn't here, because that'd mean I didn't have to answer questions and instead work on the [s]second[/s] [s]third[/s] [b]FOURTH[/b] iteration of my character.