"Oho..to hear speak pride amongst wielders in their weapons..makes an old man crack a grin. Of Course..in my opinion, one cannot put foot to the battlefield without a weapon of utility, as well as combat." Omega mused, hearing jack and bee's chat. "Take..hmm..well, My weighted cane. Indeed, it's mainly a improvised striking weapon, a club, in common terms. But, it has other uses. For one, in skilled hands, it is a short-staff, as well as s club. Also, the weighted top can be used to retain balance on uneven ground. Or as a hammer, should the need arise. " he stated, pointing the features out. " And, while this last point is a luxury..the hollow shaft holds five flasks. Each filled with Rudesheim wine of the 1727 vintage, by repute the greatest vintage of the 18th century. Oldest drinkable wine in existence, my friends. But none better to have come the eve of battle."