...Actually, you know what? I'm going to say right now that I'm not going to allow shiny legendary Pokemon, sorry. The legends are already special enough. Also Rayquazanite isn't a thing that exists. Looking good, Pirouette. 22xander, I have absolutely no idea what you mean. And I'm having way too much fun with these legendaries. Writing notes and such on how they could be used later in the story. I should hurry up so I can get the OOC finished sooner rather than later but... Help. Going to post a WIP summary of what I have down so far, keeping the notes behind my [url=http://www.doucheydm.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/PlanB-300x1681.jpg]GM screen[/url]*. If I'm stepping on anyone's toes, let me know to see how I can work things out. [hider=Legendary Grimoire] If a name is underlined, it means that they cannot be chosen as player Pokemon. Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres - Mythical bird Pokemon that are said to rule over Oceans, War, and Storm, respectively. All three are bound to the three most influential noble houses in Luria, and their competitive nature extends to their houses and act aggressively. The most common legendary Pokemon, there are at least 10 roaming Luria at the moment, most of which serve alongside nobles. The others... well, they're known to become territorial once in a while. Entei, Suicune, and Raikou - Mythical beasts tied to the domains of Loyalty, Peace, and Storms, respectively. All three are bound to the three noble houses closest to the king of Pheonixis. All three houses tend to cooperate, but trend towards inaction. Second most common legends. Seven of each, all serving noble houses loyally. [u]Mew[/u] - The All-Mother, thought to be the origin of all life. Very rarely appears to humans, and to those that she does show herself to are either blessed or in need of salvation. Not bound to any person or noble house, she roams the land without much purpose. Lugia and Ho-Oh - Guardians of the seas and skies. Legends speak of them creating hurricanes that could wipe out entire kingdoms and bring the dead back to life, but their power appears to have become muted ever since they made pacts with the ancient king's family. Obviously, bound to the main royal families of Luria and Pheonixis. There are perhaps three or four of each, the infants are taken care of in complete secrecy. Each prospective king grows up alongside them. Celebi - Odd sprite-like beings that appear around forests to ensure that they are not corrupted or destroyed outside of natural influence. Said to travel through time to prevent catastrophe. Usually bound to shrines, some of them seem to have obtained a sense of wanderlust and travel with those that they deem pure. Celebi do not interact with each other except in moments of incredible crisis, to see two of them in the same place is an omen of doom. In reality, there is only one Celebi, all the others are the same Celebi from a different timeline or a different place in time. Regirock, Registeel, and Regice - Golems made of stone, steel, or ice. Many people do not consider them legendary Pokemon due to their history and their oddly commonplace nature. They are the creations of an ancient titan, locked away by an ancient civilizations in fear of its power. They can only be awoken by rare artifacts, and are eternally loyal to the person who awakened them until they are ordered to become dormant once again. Usually used by nobles and merchants as guards or bodyguards, currently over 50 have been unearthed in ruins. Some have even been active. [u]Regigigas[/u] - Legends speak of an ancient titan who formed the land after a cataclysmic battle between the land and the sea. His creations aided humanity's development, yet something drove him mad. He attempted to destroy that which he created, and was sealed beneath miles of earth. Even now, it is said that sits in his prison, waiting for his revenge. Now, nobody even knows his name. Latios and Latias - Long recognized as symbols of true love and great fortune. Latios represents the hero, and latias his fate. Often worshipped by adventurers and hopeless romantics. They do occasionally produce offspring, and entrust the eggs to human couples that they deem worthy. Strangely, two pairs have never been seen at the same place. [u]Groudon[/u], [u]Rayquaza[/u], and Kyogre - The masters and creators of the land, air, and sea. When the world was young, Groudon and Kyogre fought endlessly until they were stopped by Rayquaza and placed in a deep slumber, under the land and seas that they once created while Rayquaza retreated above the clouds. Only Rayquaza has been seen in the past, perhaps once or twice in all of history. Curiously, the three noble houses that chose them as their patron gods have fallen, or have began to fall, in some way or another. Jirachi - The slumbering genies. These creatures are very rarely seen, and even more rarely do they wake up. There are around five scattered through the world, but it is believed that there are many more hidden within caves or tucked into inconspicuous corners of storehouses. A Jirachi can grant any wish once they are awake, and then return to their peaceful slumber. They can only be woken up by a tremendous expressions of power, intelligence, art, or cunning, though the exact thing needed varies from Jirachi to Jirachi. Jirachis have come to be considered family treasures, and are guarded to prevent the unscrupulous from getting a wish. Deoxys? - An odd being from lands beyond human comprehension. Nobody knows what it is, what it wants, or why it does it. Most people aren't even aware of its existance, and consider it a boogeyman used by parents to keep their children away from dangerous places. Some claim that the being has communicated with them in the past. [u]Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf[/u] - The Lake Guardians, a trio of spirits that inhabit lakes, the concepts off Knowledge, Emotion, and Willpower were born from them. They each have the ability to grant those qualities as a boon, but also have the ability to take them away and leave someone an emotionless husk. Their true purpose in the world is unknown, the only thing they do is lay within sacred lakes and dissuade intruders from entering them. There are many Lake Guardians around the world, but every single one of them is part of a single collective conscience. All Uxies are part of a single Uxie, all Azelfs are one Azelf, etc. [/hider] *A picture I grabbed off the internet.