[quote=Heaven] Lilly took a little peek at the man leading her to the garden, once again admiring the appearance of him. He was very handsome, and she smiled a little bit inside. She listened as he listed off the different things that he had in the garden, all of it sounding wonderful. She stood behind him as he pushed open a large door, and what she saw next brought a large smile to her face. It was a beautiful garden, lit by lanterns, and just as he said there was different fruit trees, vines, and a bunch of different vegetables growing in different places. There was even a couple places you sit sit down on a stone bench and admire the beauty."Wow." Was all Lilly could manage to say as she took in the view. [/quote] Alex nudged her, "Go on take a look around." He looked at her and grinned. He walked forward and started inspecting a tree. He then looked back and smiled at her before moving onto another plant. He did this until he was about four or five plants down, "You coming or not?" He laughed.