Lilly smiled slightly when he nudged her, telling her to go ahead and look around, but she was so taken aback by the beauty of it all, she just stood there and looked at everything, in a trance. When he spoke again, she smiled and nodded, walking to catch up with him. "This is.. gorgeous, Alex..." She said to him as she looked at the exotic plant they were standing next to. She knelt down to look at it more closely, a small smile playing on her face. The wind picked up, blowing her blond strands around her face. Standing back up, Lilly glanced over at him. "All of this is gorgeous." She said and behind him she noticed a small pond. She walked over to it, circled around the pond was different bushes of flowers, a tiny waterfall could be seen. "Wow." She said again. Lilly took off her shoes and sat by the edge of the gorgeous pond, dipping her feet in the water and giggling as the cool water tickled the bottoms of her feet.