[Alicia and Ben] Alicia unslung her spear as she peeked outside the window. “No zombies yet...ready to go?” “No, not at all” Ben responds as he puts on his backpack “Where are we going?” “Didn’t you hear the announcement? Everyone to the media center.” Alicia unlocked the door. “We’re going to have to be quick if we don’t want to meet up with any more zombies.” “Yeah… okay.” Ben checks the room for anything that he might need later on, then grabs his weapon, ready to go. “You first.” She slung the door open as quickly she could and got into a defensive stance. Glancing around, she didn’t sense anything amiss and started going down the hallway towards the front lobby. Ben slips out the door close behind Alicia and locks it once he was through. [i]Still might want to consider staying here instead of the media in the future. If there is a future.[/i] He followed down the hallway after looking if the way to the ninth grade hallway was clear. Just to reinforce Alicia’s actions. The pair gradually makes their way past the front entrance and cafeteria to the media center doors, luckily avoiding any students or zombies. Unsurprisingly, the number of bodies strewn about the area had increased greatly since Ben last passed by. Ben rolls on the ground. Intense. Flakes of dry blood cling to him and fall as he moves. Alicia watched Ben roll on the bloody ground. "What the heck are you doing?" “What does it look like I’m doing?” *Silent Thunder face* "Don't you think doing that would increase your chance of infection?" “Maybe? I dunno. But it’s not like I’ll get infected by just getting blood on my skin.” "Your pores though. Whatever. Let's see why Irene called us here." “Got it.” Ben rolls to the media center doors.