[i][b]Weiss[/i][/b] Weiss looked over as Sven came through the door, mid-brief. It was like him to be late, but for him to be shirtless? He was probably just being narcissistic. She rolled we eyes as he closed the door and gave what appeared to be a mock salute, which she ignored and turned her attention back to Jett. Just then, Ralen entered as well. She turned to see her there as well, and began to seriously wonder if the team was actually capable of surviving a mission as simple as this. [i][b]Jordan[/i][/b] Jordan didn't even turn to look who had come through the door. He took Jett's pause as an opportunity to speak, and he did so casually, with a hint of disappointment. "Late again. Sven." He made sure he said it loudly enough to be heard by everyone. Surely he knew that he was not being a good influence on the new wave of fresh meat. He assured himself that Jett would discuss it with him later, then turned to see why on Earth the door opened again. Ralen stepped through the door, and Jordan cocked his head slightly at this. Usually it was Sven. Sven or Razlo. Mostly Sven. Everyone had their moments though, so he just shrugged and let this one slide.