[IMG]http://www.imagesup.net/?di=1614186071199[/IMG] --- Razlo's grin flattened smugly as Sven filed into the room a little while after he had, and he tipped his head to the man. Since joining up with the company, Raz had made a game of trying to be as late as he could while still coming in before Sven. He'd messed up now and again in the first few weeks, but for the most part he had it down like clockwork now. There was a nagging urge to take a dig at Sven, but it died out when Jordan spoke up. One cut at a man for being late was a bit of good fun, but any more than that just comes out as anal-retentive bitching. Raz just about turned his attention back towards the briefing when he caught an eyeful of the last late party. Now that was a bit different from the usual. [b]"Catching up on your beauty sleep, love?"[/b] he teased Ralen in a chipper voice, painting his face with a broad toothy smile. [b]"Might not be my place to say, but I don't think you need any."[/b] he added with a wink.