[quote=CrimsonWarrior55] Very well... Allow me to make a list of character concepts. Please note, they will be in different formats as none of them are from X-Men, but it's no problem to tweak their powers and story.I like this power. A lot of interesting applications: This one.. I'm iffy on. While I find the concept absolutly amazing... it kinda seems... over the top. And depending, can be op. Still really cool though (note, it's just the power I'd bring in, the rest is specific to the character the power came from) And if you think Data rezzing is op, just for shits and giggles, check out this guy: Sad thing is... in his universe, he's AVERAGE. Anyways, I'm NOT using him here. I just felt like sharing that.I also have an idea for a blind swordsman who can manipulate vibrations. But the guild is being stupid so I can snag it. [/quote] If you can turn them into a mutant then pick one I guess.