[i] “You can breathe now, Knight. It’s only me.”[/i] …seriously? Was this girl just that dense? Melissa looked up at her captor with a weak and narrowed gaze. First off, she didn’t fear this prim and proper little lady who probably didn’t care for her luxury or life anyway. Secondly, that meant the only thing of value that was delaying her eventual execution…was the information she carried. Chuckling softly, Melissa felt her bound arms being released from their chains and she landed with a thud on the ground. Before she could form any semblance of a plan, the guard mutts were already on her, lashing together more chains and restraints around her ankles. Peering at them curiously, she moved them around to see that she could genuinely not escape. Or rather, it would prove difficult to do so. Soon enough though, only two remained in the holding cell. [i] “Now, I realize that I may not be in your highest esteem. I assume that you work under another person due to your strategic and systematic attacks, so my first question would obviously be who that person might be. However, if I were in your place, I would never simply answer that question. So my first question for you is a rather simple one, as I aim to earn your trust over time. What is your name?”[/i] Melissa was, for the most part, actually impressed. The princess was fazed not at all by her hideous appearance. That or she had a strong stomach for those with only one eye and scarred chests. “…that still doesn’t give me a reason to talk to you, your Highness.” Light venom was sprinkled in her grin and voice. “Also, I don’t exactly feel obliged to answer you either when you call me “Knight”. I’m not a Knight, so doing so is rather rude on your part, huh?” The dark dressed girl glanced once more at her bound ankles and then back at the sitting princess. She said, “For somehow who’s famed in Crescentia for their intelligence, wit, and charisma…you’ve done a good job of not impressing a simple captive. Besides, there’s no point in knowing the person you plan to kill, and all the more reason for me not to state my name.” A pause. “And besides, I want to see Miranda first before I answer any sort of trivia. What have you done with her Miss Posh and Pish? Have you converted her into some maddening maid for your own leisure? Heh, that would be better than dying I suppose.” The girl’s single red eye glistened over as she stared at the ceiling. Perhaps she should try to use magic to escape this rotting place?