Gar was where he was every night, in the archives studying a combination of public records of senate meetings and the latest in programming methodology. The Senate's public rhetoric had been really becoming more warlike after the events above Coruscant. The growing number of troops outside was almost ignored by him, he could feel their presence but it was nothing that couldn't be accounted for in their speeches and public attitudes. Normally he didn't follow politics, but his master had impressed on him the need to understand the state of the universe if one wanted to be ready for what might come next. Even he had to admit, the ability to see the pieces of the universe falling into place without a need to rely on something like visions or feelings would be incredibly useful. So while Vookta would normally have ignored something like this in favor of a technical manual, the benefits pushed him in that direction. His studying was interrupted however as the first wave of death washed over those in the room. All turned to the main entrance as the masters readied themselves. Unfortunately that moment of distraction lessend their ability to react as the archive windows burst in. A few smoke grenades filling the space with dense smoke, quickly followed by troops coming in through them. Gar was pulled out of his chair, datapad still in hand as his master shoved him towards the door leading deeper into the temple. The yellow lightsaber showing through the smoke along with deflected blaster fire. "Go! Get out of here, save as many as you can." His mastered shouted, and Gar did as ordered. He ran, picking up a the younger jedi he could see or sense and moving them to the doors leading away from the fighting. It was as he escaped down the hall he felt it, his master had fallen. Gar would mourn the passing of a great woman later, right now he needed to focus on getting as many people out alive as possible. Keeping his lightsaber off for a moment he used the memorized building blueprints to try and keep the few Jedi with him away from likely entry points, instead focusing on maintenance areas and crawlspace. Working towards where the exits that would lead to the non-spacefaring vehicles. Likely already destroyed save for a few, but it was the best idea he had that wouldn't lead them to a fight against the Republic Navy or trying to hack their way through troopers. The entire building felt of death, anger, and sadness. A part of him was absolutely shocked, yet another small voice told him that he shouldn't be. That he should have seen something like this coming in his studies. Yet he had not, it was a mistake he could never afford to make again, he had to understand the political and military machines as well as he understood a speeder or building blueprints. He wouldn't bother learning it to use it as a diplomat, he would learn it to see where the winds of change blew. To understand where was likely to be safe and where was likely to get him and whoever remained of The Order killed. While he knew for a fact he wouldn't be the only Jedi to possibly escape, he couldn't know if any other Sentinels would make it. That was the thought that distressed him most out of all of this, that not only would his master die, but that an entire school of thought might die this night. "Follow me, I'll do my best to get you out of here. Hopefully without needing to raise our blades." He spoke to the few with him. "We should be fighting." A girl about his age said, to the agreement of another. "No, we should be surviving. We have neither the numbers nor the skills to take on however many are out there. Our focus must be on surviving this night, or else all will be lost for all we know."