[hider=Templar In Animus CS] Name: Wesley Sampson III Age (15+): 24 Weapon of Choice: Wesley prefers to use a custom made sword of polished steel. It has a serrated edge, and he keeps it well sharpened. Appearance: [img=http://cdn.loc.gov/service/pnp/cwp/4a40000/4a40800/4a40892r.jpg] Personality: Wesley has been a trouble maker ever since he was a baby. He is also very reckless, and often rushes head on to face his problems rather than stop to think about what he is really doing. Other: He keeps his lucky coin on him at all times, and has a colt revolver on his belt that he refuses to use. [/hider] [hider=Templar Out Of Animus] Name: Peter Coleman Age (15+): 16 Weapon of Choice: Pocket knife Appearance: Peter has medium length black hair, and blue eyes. He is about 6'1'', weighs 139 lbs. Personality: He is deadly serious about his job, and will do anything to make those ranked above him happy Other: Peter keeps a pocket Bible on him at all times [/hider]