Alto was somewhat miffed. [b]Again,[/b] he was obviously noticed but still no one even told him to get down or anything. [i]Are they expecting me to come down and say hi or what?[/i] He thought. [i]Seriously now.[/i] He felt like he was being a third wheel here, except there were four of them and a third wheel would be noticed more. The only one who had actually seen him was the black-ops dude, and the black-ops dude just straight out ignored him. Now Elijah was offering some refreshments, and Alto could really do with some. But jumping down just to ask for water was going to look really dumb. The situation was really starting to piss him off a little. "Thank you Roze, that's enough. Not unless Light Bright would like to tell us who the fuck he is and what the fuck he's really after." Elijah said. [i]COME ON![/i] He thought angrily. [i]IS NO ONE THE LEAST BIT INTERESTED IN THE WEIRD GUY ON THE ROOF?![/i] He was really just sulking now. But hey, he was a loose canon right? Quite impulsively deciding to act like one, Alto pulled himself over the gutter on the edge of Elijah's roof and swung his upper body downwards. Hanging upside down by the loose gutter, he addressed the trio inside the building through the front door. [b]"Aren't you guys the least bit interested in me?"[/b] He said with an annoyed tone of voice. With a groan, the roof's gutter came away and Alto fell to the ground. He braced his left arm out in front of him, but the momentum of the fall still propelled the lower half of his body downwards. His back hit the pavement hard, but he tried not to show it. Still laying on the ground, he turned over with a huff. [b]"Not even a little bit?[/b] He said, propping himself up with his arms.