"I've my reasons. It's less the vintage, more the journey." Omega stated shrugging. " might not have been made by my own hand, but..my soldiers and held our ground, trenched in the cellar of A fort converted from an estate. As it had so happened, casks of That wine were the only drinkable substance at the time. Hilariously, getting drunk only seemed to make my men more creative in holding the position" He recounted, smirking a bit. "My demolitionist managed to blow five armored brigades apart, while dead drunk and mistaking his soap bar rations for spare C4. Sneaky bastard got the enemy cocky with clear rooms, them blew the fuses on the bombs and the bars! Cleanest display of explosive carnage you'd ever see." Omega laughed, recounting it. "My Assassin ..oh..gentlemen, you've not lived till you've seen an assassin stumble into cover, wait for his target, literally fall, knife first into him and proceed to just drag the body back out of drunken laziness stopping them from making the effort to pull the blade out.