Name: Gandor Donald of clan McDonald A.K.A Gandor The Red wizard Age: 22 Gender: human male with dragon blood in his veins (father was a dragon. mother human) Appearance: Personality:party animal, but has a very serious loyalty streak especially when he is in debt to some one. is dependable in fight despite his desire for a good time can be a some what competent strategist. likes putting his two cents in everything. History: Gandor has been a man on a mission to have a grand time while he lives. despite looking human Gandor's father was a dragon, Gandor uses his fire magic spell to entertain and tell tales from ages past. he also does odd jobs from time to time and is currently looking for some to gainfully employ him permanently. he is content though to be known as the red wizard he even got false tattoos so he could look like a wizard from perth who are famous for their fire magic a she has always be fond of fire magic. he has heard rumors of a war though he hopes it just that rumors yet he sense that something terrible will happen and soon.