Character Reviews! @Terminal, I like this character. Religious conflict isn't particularly common, most violence is typically carried out by zealots as opposed to crusaders and organized militaries, but thats only a minor point on the Character sheet. His skills are very well rounded, and even as a non-summoner he has enough skills to keep him on par with others. All round very nice character, a bit darker than I was expecting, but that isnt necessarily a bad thing. @Squirmy, another character with a slightly darker backstory than I had anticipated, which again, is not a bad thing. I'm not seeing any red flags for this character either. @Belladonna, the background is a bit less coherent then I would've liked. How did a wandering tinker manage to marry an aristocrat? Why is her father, a tinkerer, dealing with priceless goods and artifacts and traveling instead of working in a workshop? What things did she learn from her father? Also, what exactly can she do with these mechanical skills? Regarding the spirit, it's highly unlikely that a simple spirit would've had the power to start 'Great Fires' throughout cities. What are the details of the pact? Also, melting and molding metals with your spirit's power falls into the field of 'manipulation' which is a Humanoid's power. @All - I probably should've put this out there a bit earlier, but the general abilities of spirits are split into 3 distinctions: Simple - basic elemental attacks, and energies Humanoid - manipulation of elements and complex maneuvers Gargantuan - Raw elemental power.