"Okay, I've everything I need. Shall we get going?" asked Reina. Chase nodded. "Of-!" "Course!" In a flash of light, the two among the most powerful magic users on the planet (or even perhaps siginificantly more than just that) were on school grounds and right in front of Meruin, who promptly hugged the both of them, much to their surprise. "U-uh? Meruin?" said a stunned Reina. The girl let go and looked down, a bit red in the face. ". . . missed you," she muttered. Chase laughed, a hearty and powerful laugh. Literally powerful, in this case; her laugh actually caused several of Meruin's barriers to break, not that she needed it now though; her master and rival both kept their aura's under control. "Ah, it's good to see that despite your calm exterior, your still a little girl at heart, my Meruin," said Chase. "Now! Let me see that Soul Rune of yours!" Meanwhile, Reina was looking around the school, curiosity on her face.