It had been an interesting evening. Neon had given him a half-assed invitation to a get together with the rest of the cure-party which consisted more or less of, "You can come if you really want to", which he declined. The idea of seeing Torva again set his imagination ablaze. All that came to mind was the excitement of continuing a duel from months ago that was left unfinished. As tempting as the thought was there was too much going on to simply spoil it all for a chance of fighting. There was also the matter of an ice-cold angel that held no sympathy toward him enough to freeze his very blood before allowing him near Torva again. The other interest he had in the group was the smallest of them. Chii. She was an enigma to him that was full of potential. A tiny, stubborn healer with a hidden savagery. Mokk felt.. unwelcome in the city. There was a serious tension in the air as he meandered the street. War with humanity was already looming over the daevan kingdom. The democratic processes of the council seemed like they could be sway. But he had a lucid feeling that the war was coming nonetheless and that the sides were already chosen. It could become a war of the fairer races against the bestial and any dissenters who think they're right. If peace with the seraphim was not won here then things would get very messy very quickly. Not unlike they did with Malum. Though Mokk did enjoy comforts this one he could not afford - a bed that was his size. Seraphim didn't grow this big without some serious alchemical and magical enhancement and he'd never seen one crazy enough to try it and run the risk of losing their flight so there wasn't any inn with a bed fair enough for him to rest without feeling like a giant among dwarves. He settled upon a clean stable with a bed of straw to rest for the evening. It wasn't so different from his usual options. When you've slept in the cell of a blood pit you learn to be grateful for the luxuries that come to you. The crocodile must have been much more tired than he realized because when he awoke he found himself being gawked at by far too many eyes. He blinked a few times as the blurriness faded from his view to find a crowd forming before him that was calm until he sat up. The crowd started to murmur which grew louder and louder until it was directed at him. There was a human instigating the crowd. "Are you going to let this monster get away with murder?!" With all the cries amongst the crowd it seemed the human was succeeding. A seraphim amongst the crowd curted his wings in the air as he raised an accusing finger at him. "I saw him with the dragoness! They must all be in league to dismantle the council!" "It's a pre-emptive strike!" Another shouted inaccurately. Mokk could only recall real pre-emptive strikes. Were this like the ones he'd be a part of in the distant past then this crowd would have been butchered by now. Even weaponless he could slaughter an abundance of these imbeciles before they could subdue or slay him, magic or not. That must've been exactly what the human wanted. Yet cold-blooded and cruel. the lizard didn't have a death wish. Though hard to fathom in his selfish head he knew this event was beyond him. For what was likely one of the first times in his life he chose mercy in the hopes the golden law would be applied. The shouting and raging crowd surged forward and pulled him from the stable pen, hauling him out into a courtyard. They stood proudly around him as he knelt upon the ground. Vicious arguing took place while they decided his fate. And to think, he had no idea what they were doing.