[center]Storybrooke: Chapter 2 Down the Rabbit Hole Day 2 Character Summary[/center] [center][img=http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140406041712/once-upon-a-time-2/images/6/6f/Once-Upon-a-Time-first-season-Welcome-to-Storybrooke.jpg][/center] [hider=Faye Stevenson]Faye's day began in the early hours when Gold called her. He asked her to take Belle out and get her new clothes and help her get acquainted with Storybrooke. With Gold's promise that he would help her with her problem in mind, Faye agreed. After a couple hours of sleep, she went to Gold's house, and led Belle to Granny's Diner. There, she found out about Ruby's condition, and met with Leroy. After Granny's and hours of shopping, the both of them met Hopper, who asked Faye about future psychological sessions, Robert, who warned Belle to avoid him, and Frankenstein who tried to flirt with Belle (only to be scared off by the fact that Belle is Gold's lover). Faye returned Belle back to Gold, and after a cold, brief, discussion, Faye left Belle and Gold alone. She was soon approached by Mark, who came to give her Henry's walkman. He asked her about Henry's disappearance and she told him about the situation. After learning that Mason is Mark's son, the both of them parted ways. When Faye returned back home, she had an argument with Hyde, before she called Hopper to cancel all future appointments. Instead of just simply, complying, Hopper offers Faye friendship and an ear and shoulder for her to use should she need to talk and cry. Grateful, she told him her pre-curse name, before hanging up. She then headed to Mr. Gold's house, where the both of them argued over the magic bean extract and about the possibility that Henry abandoned her. They also talked about the nightmare and burns. Afterwards, she left Mr. Gold and headed back home.[/hider] [hider=Belle]Belle woke up in the middle of the night from Rumple's desperate call for Baelfire. She saw Rumpelstiltskin go to the basement and use magic. She confronted him and after much persistence, she learned about Baelfire and that he was using magic in order to find her. After the explanation, she knew that there was no way that he was going to go back to sleep. She went back to bed and slept until the fire alarm sounded off and she saw that Rumpelstiltskin was comically failing at cooking. After teasing him a bit, she was about to cook breakfast for him, until Faye arrived. While she was with Faye, she learned about Storybrooke, met Leroy, Hopper, Robert, and Frankenstein. After hours of shopping, she returned to the house and calmed Rumpelstiltskin down before he lashed out at Faye or his alchemy table. She persuaded him to rest, and in return, she would brew his favorite tea for him. While Faye and Rumpelstiltskin worked, later that evening, she cooked dinner and called Rumpelstiltskin when Faye left.[/hider] [hider=Mark Dufresne]Waking up the next morning, it didn't take long for Mark to figure out that Mason had promptly run away from home...most likely back to Regina. Mark, having not the heart to go and (in the boy's eyes) 'abduct' him again, decided to head to the woods to think; as they were the only semblance of home he had left here in Storybrooke. Within minutes of arriving, Mark passed out, whether it be due to the influx of memories, or simply getting used to a human body again was debatable. In this state, Mark had what appeared to be a dream and a memory put together as he imagined himself besides his beloved Catherine, who softly told him to wake up. Shooting awake, Mark took a few minutes to recollect himself before deciding to head back into town. On the way back, however, he found something most peculiar - Henry's cassette player. Deciding that Faye should be the one to have it since Henry was nowhere to be seen in the last while, Mark took it and began making his way back to down in hopes of finding Faye. It was during this time that Mark experienced a particularly horrifying auditory hallucination, as if he could hear The Tin Man clanking its way through the dense woods, managing to convince himself that The Tin Man was no longer here before moving on. Finding Dr. Stevenson walking down the sidewalk, Mark signaled her attention before mentioning he had something to give her, absentmindedly rubbing his pained shoulder whilst doing so. Faye, the always observant one, asked if he was well; to which the fireman replied that he simply needed to take some Aspirin, a notion that Dr. Stevenson didn't appear to be pleased with, though she didn't press the issue further. Handing her the cassette player, Mark was slightly confused by Faye's almost tearful reaction to seeing it before sharing his concerns as to Henry's whereabouts. It was then that he was told that Henry, Knox, Mary Margaret, and Sister Charlotte had [i]disappeared[/i] from Storybrooke, sucked into a magical portal. Showing great shock as to this, Mark suggested the town take action before being promptly shut down by Dr. Stevenson, who told him that David Nolan wanted the town to keep quiet, lest Regina find out. This caused Mark to go into a slight muse as he revealed that, not only was Mason his son, but that he had returned to Regina. This prompted slight questioning from Faye, which Mark replied in vagueness, not wanting to pour his heart (or lack thereof) out to her - not yet. Deciding to head home, Mark left the good doctor with a polite farewell...needing time to think.[/hider] [hider=Robert Leland]Robert met Faye and Belle on the street. He apologized to them, warned them, and then whined a bit about his course before going on his merry way.[/hider] [hider=Mr. Gold]Mr. Gold called out to his daughter in his sleep during a re-occurring nightmare, waking both himself and Belle in the process. Embarrassed for his outburst, and fuming mad at the images burned into his mind, Mr. Gold ignored Belle's insistence of telling her what was wrong and hurriedly got dressed despite it being three in the morning. He wasn't about to go back to sleep now, there was no way he could. With the curse now broken, he only had one goal in mind: find a way to cross the town line. So abandoning Belle in his bedroom, he went downstairs to barricade himself in the basement where he could get to work on a potion that would help him keep his memories after crossing the town line. He made a quick phone call, however, to Faye Stevenson. The only woman he trusted [i]just enough[/i] to take Belle out later that day to get her some proper clothes in exchange for help on the case of the missing heroes. It didn't take long for Belle to find him, and her concern for him only grew more when she saw him practicing magic. He knew she would be angry with him, but she didn't understand and he didn't have the time, patience, or want of vulnerability to explain it to her, but in the end he gave Belle a brief idea that what he was working on would allow him to cross the town line with his memories intact so that he might find his daughter who had been lost to him for so many years. He also went into how he created the curse for Regina, so that he would be brought to this land, a land without magic, and that he needed the magic to find his daughter. Belle was more than understanding, though still concerned and reluctantly left him to his work. Hours later, Mr. Gold tried his hand and surprising Belle with breakfast in bed, but the french toast took a sour turn in a process that nearly caught his entire house on fire. Agitated with the smoke alarm, he hadn't realized that the noise must have woken Belle up until he heard her laughing at him putting out a small fire on the stove with magic. As his culinary skills were reduced to only being able to create something from magic, Belle offered to make them breakfast but Faye had been right on time keeping Belle from making breakfast. Handing over his credit card to Faye (as Belle didn't quite understand how things in the modern world worked yet) he gave Faye instructions to take Belle to breakfast before taking her shopping. After the two had left, he abandoned the idea of breakfast for himself altogether and returned to the basement to continue his work. The hours flew by like seconds, and before he knew it, Belle and Faye were back. Angry at first that Faye had shortened their outing from a lack of interest, he quickly realized the time and issued for Faye to leave, grumbling to himself quietly as how quickly the hours escaped him. Once alone with Belle, he let her know that he wouldn't be much for company until this potion was made, he couldn't sleep while he knew Baelfire was out there somewhere just within his grasp. Belle, still worried for him, coaxed Mr. Gold into taking a break while she made up some tea in the house but by the time it was ready to drink, he had relaxed enough to have fallen asleep on the couch for a quick and much needed nap. It was only a short nap, but at least Mr. Gold got in a cup of tea after waking up before returning to the basement to continue his work. He and Belle had a quick conversation a few hours later which turned into a small argument that led into the house about Belle no longer being his maid and didn't have to cook and clean for him like she used to, but Belle was stubborn and wouldn't relent until he told her what he wanted for dinner. Wanting a breath of fresh air, Mr. Gold left the house to stand out on his porch for a cigarette break while Belle prepared dinner. He was only halfway finished when he spotted Faye heading towards his house, nearly forgetting that she was to come back over that night. He walked with Faye down into the basement where Faye told him all she knew of the portal that Henry, Snow and Knox went through. Mr. Gold, as patiently as he could, explained the limitations of magic beans in his land and tried to hammer in the importance and straight up fact that magic beans were rare, and it was very, very unlikely that Henry, Snow and Knox would ever be able to come back. Then, in a fit of anger that seemed to be stirred by the subject matter, Mr. Gold began to get angry with Faye, trying to force her to believe that she had been abandoned, that Henry didn't want her any longer and to get over it. Out of anger, Faye tried slapping him but his hand caught her wrist too quickly and realized right then that she had been injured with some sort of dark magic. Looking over the burns on her arm, Faye told Mr. Gold of the nightmares she had been having since waking up from the sleeping curse, and for some unexplained reason Mr. Gold began to feel terribly guilty. Letting Faye know that there was nothing he could do about creating a portal to take her to Henry or to bring them back, Faye left leaving Mr. Gold to ponder on a few things before Belle came to get him for dinner.[/hider] [center]Wonderland: Chapter 2 Down the Rabbit Hole Day 2 Character Summary[/center] [center][img=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/4/42/OUAT-Wonderland-Title-Card.jpg][/center] [hider=Edric Lidell]Quite irate at the horrendous sleeping conditions at the refugee camp, The Cat switched back into human form sometime during the night, hoping that he could at least catch a bit of sleep before the taxing journey to Snow's Castle. Eventually finding a fitful rest, Edric slept through most of the night before waking up just as the sun was, not bothering to wake up his companions as he slyly stole an apple for breakfast whilst lounging on a tree branch. Finding Killian the one-handed-wonder of a blacksmith, Edric grinned widely in his direction; insinuating his true identity as Killian hadn't seen him in human form before. The blacksmith apparently understood the connection, and was quick to make a jab at his appearance; to which Edric quickly retorted on Killian's behalf. Before this could escalate into a full-on argument, Killian asked where Snow was, hoping to find and speak to her. Edric was less-than-helpful, as his answer consisted of not knowing where Snow is, then detailing the wonders of spying on people. It was at that point when Snow found them, quickly attending to business where Killian immediately offered his services; much to Edric's chagrin and amusement. Snow accepted the offer, but the troupe was growing larger as Jill, the zealous cat-priest wished to travel with them as well, an offer that Edric was more than happy to agree with, given his amusement from watching the half-witted, half-tongued girl. Now that the team was selected, Edric switched back into cat form and sauntered off into the woods, only looking back momentarily to see if the rest were following. The group was then joined by Knox, who made a bland comment before disappearing again; but not before casting a lovely shadow over the entire group, giving the appearance of dusk as opposed to early morning. Though irritated by this, The Cat's heightened sight was invaluable, and he did not lack for navigational skills. The group journeyed along at a well-enough pace, only occasionally arguing with each other; The Cat sharing facets of his own life story to Killian to try and 'sympathize' with the loss of a hand, though not before insulting him again in his true fashion. After many hours of walking, the group found the castle, nearly completely destroyed and abandoned, hardly in the shape it used to be. The Cat found this to be an excellent time to explore in hopes of finding a mysterious letter Snow spoke to him about privately. Finding a pathway to the bedroom, The Cat, Snow, and Killian traveled there, with Snow finding the letter she was looking for. Switching back into human form, Edric asked what was in it, only to be met with random generalities and political musings; which irritated him to the point of vehemently demanding what was in it, clearly fed up with her words. He calmed down however, upon understanding what was going on; that Snow thought she was pregnant before falling under the Sleeping Curse. Realizing the trip was for naught, Edric revealed his intentions to travel to Wonderland to find Alice, met shortly by Killian who had found the mysterious Looking Glass. Trying to work out a strategy, Edric was met with the question of how to return to Storybrooke once Alice was safe and sound. At this, Edric recalled his old friend, Jefferson, and excitedly brought up the prospect of finding him. The rest of the group seemed accepting with this decision, and after a few jokes and comments, decided a rest and a meal was in order before making the journey to Wonderland - Edric's home.[/hider] [hider=Snow White]Snow went to her hold castle, and found it ruined. She found the letter that Rumpelstiltskin left, which said that he had lied about her pregnancy. She talked with Edric a bit, and supported his plan to go to Wonderland.[/hider] [hider=Jill]The mercenary woman follows the group to the castle and in her exploration finds the treasure she's been searching her whole life for (thinks it's a scepter, actually a bed post), which gets tossed into a fire soon after by Killian who started the fire for warmth.[/hider] [hider=Killian Jones]Killian started the day by going and talking to Lancelot. After confirming the plans, he left and spoke with The Cat in his human form. After that, he pledged his assistance to Snow, and journeyed with her, Edric, Jill, and Knox, to Snow's castle. Once there, he searched the castle for the mirror, and once he did, he alerted Snow and Edric. After that, they discussed plans of going to Wonderland to rescue Alice from Cora, and figuring out a way to get back to The Enchanted Forest, or to Storybrooke. After everything was said and done, Killian left to go start a fire with Jill's beloved treasure that was almost used to break the mirror.[/hider] [hider=Knox Kowalski]Following the group on their excessive journey to Snow White's castle, they arrive to find it destroyed. They kept busy by searching for what could only be described as a filler length of time for something useful to eat or use as shelter for the night. After Killian finds a mirror out in the open, the shadow man makes a passing remark about how it's likely a trap sine nothing could just up and survive this length of time...but this comment is largely ignored so he silently agrees to go through the mirror portal with Henry and the others to Wonderland once morning comes.[/hider]