The sound of heels clicking against tile flooring seemed to echo over the bustling hallway. As a certain student walked through the pathway, others seemed to purposefully move out of the way, creating an opening for the student. The crowds dispersed as students went to class, leaving the echos of the heels to resound through the halls. As usual, Kido Megumi was skipping class. No person within the school had the nerve to speak to the girl about her lack of attendance, but that may have been due to the lack of failing grades. They weren't good, but not bad. Academics wasn't where the student's sovereignty lied. A faint tap on the shoulder gained her attention. She turned around, glaring at whoever had the audacity to touch her. "What?" she demanded. A small, mousy instructor looked back up at her- Kido's heels gave her a solid three inches off height on the teacher. "I-I was supposed to g-give you this," she sputtered out, holding out a notice. Kido huffed as she took the paper. Reading over it, she asked another question. "Is that all?" The teacher said yes, and turned around, hurrying away. Kido turned around and kept walking down the hall to find the room listed on the paper. Upon nearing the door, Kido saw other girls walking into the room. She narrowed her eyes, trying to decipher the meaning of the meeting. It probably wasn't about academia, and Kido didn't recognize any of the others from her personal life. It had to be about something she didn't know, then. It looked like it was time to make an impression. Kido walked to the door and yanked it open, slamming as it hit the framework. Kido looked around the room, trying to take a stock of who she was dealing with. She stepped forward, heels clicking against the floor. She made sure to make eye contact with every person in the room before deciding on a chair toward the back of the room. That's when she realized the... oddity of the group gathered. Rolling her eyes, she raised her voice, making her question echo in the room. "All right, so what the hell is this?"