Reina looked at the Headmaster and gave a small smile and wave in greeting. "Just visitng my dear apprentice. I assume you're part fo the teaching staff here?" Meanwhile, Chase was still coddling Meruin, who was showing the piece of paper with her rune on it. "I see! Well, an 'Assassin Mage'! It suits you, but then again, when does a Soul RUne ever [i]not[/i] suit someone eh? Anyway," said Chase, turning and gesturing towards the school, "how is life here? Have you made any friends, or perhaps a boyfriend?" "No boyfriends, Lady Chase," said Meruin in exaspiration, "but as for friends . . . I think I made some? I made one definitely though." Do Tyler, Mutt or Sol count as friends? Liz was definitely a friend. She'd said so herself.