"What do you mean?" Catty asked, an inquisitive expression on her face, "what did you wish for?" Marinette was lucky the make-up she wore prevented anyone from seeing the character blush, "Well what had happened was..." Scratched the back of her head, ruffling her hair a little, embarrassed in retrospect, her smile became more and more sheepish as she stalled to think of something to say. "Well, Cats, if we're going to be completely honest, I actually kind of wished we did something like this... I certainly didn't wish for THIS," She gestured around the world, holding up the [i]Book of Life[/i] as if it was the cause of all of their problems, "But I did find myself wishing we went out and did something that this..." Marinette placed a finger on her lower lip as she paused to think of the right word, "[i]Galvanized[/i] us to go out and do-- which is recklessly fight monsters." "I guess I just..." She found herself lost just looking at the [i]Book[/i], considering the implications of it's existence more seriously, "I guess I wished we'd go do some impressive impossible challenge, or whatever-- I still do-- so in a weird, sick way, this is kind of exactly what I wished for..."