[quote=Fridge] Did you feel any remorse after shattering Marco's hopes and dreams, knowing he most likely cried himself to sleep, alone that night? [/quote] [s]a little[/s] Not an ounce. [quote=Larfleeze] Rax; History's Greatest Monster. [/quote] Rawr [quote=Polyphemus] You get used to it. The important thing is just to know your limits and when to stop. [/quote] I might drink in the future, y'know, socially. But never as much, I don't fancy feeling like I've been awake for 20 hours when I haven't. [quote=Halo] I remember my last tequila shot (which, considering how much alcohol I ingested, is sort of surprising), which was last night. Never again. Vile stuff. [/quote] [quote=Smiral] [2] on tequila being trash alcohol [/quote] I actually liked the tequila. But one of my friends got a something-and-cranberry and it tasted like that awful cough syrup that your parents shove down your throat when you are a sick little babby. Ick.