Ignoring the shirtless Eye candy Karin ran over to where their attacker came out from the ground, hoping to see the small green figure of Sechsmon. Instead she saw some kind of bipedal stag beetle in brown and grown armor slightly shorter than she was. While she did see the other Digimon change forms she was still unsure if this was her partner or if he died and thus disintegrated. "Hey Karin glad to see you are doing okay." While he sounded different in this form the fact that this Digimon knew her name was enough for Karin to accept that it used to be the six legged blob she met earlier that day. "Oh I almost forgot, but please call me Hirschmon from now on." Using his new wings Hirschmon flew over to the humans and other Digimon. Having heard the discussion everyone had, while understandably too preoccupied with their own worries to notice him he decided to give his own two cents. "Look at this way when Drimogemon attacked we a bunch of in-training Digimon and unarmed humans not only fought him, a champion, off without any casualties, we all managed to Digivolve."