Marabelle's giggles slowly disappeared as Sebastian's question sank in. Would she be okay living on the ship again? Leaning into the embrace and looking up, she placed a soft peck on her husband's cheek. "I'll be with you again and that really makes every other point moot." Although she smiled up at him, her stomach twisted at the idea of leaving land again. This time it was most likely for good. "Will your crew function alright with a Captain that is missing a good deal of the time because he's with his wife?" ----- As Jack approached, Elijah knew he was in trouble. He was definitely beyond words and his rational thought process was drowned in his need to place blame on someone besides himself. Feeling his eyes widen as his whole body was hauled off of his seat, his body immediately tensed for the impending strike. He took too long to think and unable to find the words that would somehow free him of this situation and found himself somehow staring at the floor, struggling to breathe. Jack's fighting style was slow and calculating, but when he made contact it was devastating, just as the punch to his gut showed. After a moment to recover, he shoved himself away and out of his grip, hitting the table and knocking over the mugs of coffee. Stumbling back a few steps, Elijah managed to get into an area with a little more room to move. Dropping into a defensive position, he stared up at the bigger man, not wanting to add to his aggression. "Com'on mate, let's not do this." Panting as he caught his breath, he watched Jack's body language. "I don't want to fight you." He stated plainly, relaxing his posture and dropping his hands to a less aggressive stance.