“The footies up above are mine, don’t worry about them, Captain,” Adrian said as he took shots at the infantry. Predictably, his fire tore through just about anything in its path.[i] I’d better be careful with the trajectory… Don’t want to chip this sandstone ceiling. [/i]In their prime, the catwalks the bandits were using had been sturdy, metal walkways, but years of disuse and flooded passageways had set them to a rusty fate. In numerous spots, Adrian’s sidearm was punching straight through, opening holes in the mesh floor, knocking over railings, and severing supports. As he hunted for targets on the ceiling, this became more and more apparent as the GEARs’ fire Swiss-cheesed it. Sections of the walkway had grown unstable amid the pounding the and banging of battle, and anybody that had been using them showed a rightful amount of hesitation. One piece, unable to bear the weight of its load, broke off and fell the long fall to the floor of the cavern, taking bandits, crates, and everything with them with it. “Be advised, catwalks ‘r’ falling down.”