*Repost from the Interest Check [hider=Luther Cunningham]NAME: Luther Cunningham AGE: 32 GENDER: Male NATIONALITY: British BLOOD PURITY: Half-blood MARKED?: Assuming you mean the Dark Mark? If so, then yes. APPEARANCE: (See pictures below) Luther is a respectably large man, weighing 250 lb (113 kg) at 6'0 (1.8 m). He is fairly muscular compared to the average wizard, at the cost of some wand finesse. He has dull blue eyes and a blond faux hawk, with a light beard; more than stubble, but not long enough to truly be considered a beard. He has a dragon fang piercing in his right ear, and a celtic tattoo on his left arm, which ends at his elbow. Beneath this is the Dark Mark, branded on him by the Dark Lord. Being a wizard, he rarely wears anything more interesting than a standard wizard's robe. PERSONALITY: Luther is remarkably loyal (so much so, in fact, that the Sorting Hat almost made him a Hufflepuff!), and very resolute in his decisions. Once he has decided to do something, little more than death can sway him to change his mind. To strangers he is reserved and mysterious, but to those who he becomes attached to (especially his sister, Lilly) he can be extroverted, and something of a clown. He cares about Lilly very much, and would do anything to protect her from harm without a second thought, even if the cost was his life. SKILLS AND TALENTS: [b]Strengths[/b] [list] [*]Being stronger than most wizards, Luther excels in close-quarters combat. Who needs a wand when you have fists?[/*] [*]Luther is especially adept at curses, but unlike what would be expected of a Death Eater, he will very rarely use an Unforgivable Curse, only as an absolute last resort.[/*] [/list] [b]Weaknesses[/b] [list] [*]Although he may be stronger than most, he is not the best with a wand. He can be trusted for most things, but in a situation where stealth and/or precision are key, you probably shouldn't trust Luther with the job.[/*] [*]Luther cares about his sister, Lilly, perhaps too much - he values her life more than his, and would gladly do anything for her. This could easily be used against him as he would never do anything that would lead to her being hurt, if he had a choice.[/*] [/list] WAND: Ebony w/ a Dragon Heartstring core, 14 inches, BIO: Luther was born the child of a witch, Lucille Cunningham, and a muggle, Arthur McKinley. Luther, being a Halfblood, had of course grown up with a Muggle father, Arthur. His mother, Lucille, had hidden her magic from him until Luther received his acceptance letter to Hogwarts, and she had no choice but to tell him. Arthur was stunned, and soon "realized" that most of the bad things that happened to him were because of their magic (or rather, attributed everything to them instead of accepting things for what they really were) and grew increasingly resentful, and this left Luther with a poor view of Muggles. Him being sorted into Slytherin only further aided in his dislike against Muggles, as the children of Death Eaters indoctrinated Luther in the same beliefs that their fathers had taught them. The only exception that Luther made for his beliefs was his sister, Lilly. Shortly after returning home from his first year in Hogwarts, Luther was slapped for taking his wand out of his trunk by his intoxicated father, and in retaliation Luther set him on fire with Incendio, causing third-degree burns. He received a warning from the Ministry of Magic for performing underage magic, and soon after Luther and his mother moved out, and lived in Godric's Hollow for the duration of Luther's time in Hogwarts. Luther also adopted his mother's maiden name, Cunningham, in an effort to remove everything connecting him to his father. Immediately after finishing his final year at Hogwarts he became a Death Eater, and his view on Muggles remained the same until his sister's imprisonment. His loyalty made the Dark Lord favor him, and Luther was branded with the Dark Mark during the First Wizarding War. He remained loyal to the Dark Lord longer than most when he disappeared, but eventually he too gave up the notion of his master ever returning, and assimilated back into the world as best as he could. When the Dark Lord returned he immediately went back to his side, ready to be as loyal as ever. When the Muggleborn Registration Act was established, Cunningham helped his younger, bastard sister, Lilly, go into hiding for although she happened to have magical blood like him, she was a product of an affair between Luther's father and a mistress, making her Muggleborn. The Dark Lord eventually found out about this betrayal, however, and made sure that Luther was present when she was sentenced to life in Azkaban on account of being Muggleborn, in addition to evading the Dark Lord. After witnessing his sister, who he was very close to, dragged away by Dementors to be taken to Azkaban, Luther's allegiance to the Dark Lord was shattered. How could he have any loyalty to someone who'd put his innocent, fragile sister into Azkaban? He began to see the Dark Lord for what he truly was; a monster. Not only did he realize that the Dark Lord was a monster, but he realized that just because his father was a terrible person, that didn't make all Muggles bad. Although at times he still has moments of Pureblood supremacy (old habits die hard), for the most part he has become far more tolerant and respecting of Muggleborns and Muggles alike. He's heard rumors that the Order still exists in some form, and has made it his duty to find them, and join them to put an end to the Dark Lord's run of terror, and rescue Lilly from Azkaban before she becomes the lifeless shell that Dementors are so famous for creating. OTHER: N/A[/hider] [hider= Luther Cunningham Pictures]Face/Hair: [img=http://yourhairstyleideas.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/32-Faux-Hawk-Hairstyles-For-Men-2013-photos.jpg] Tattoo: [img=http://www.desitattoos.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Celtic-Tattoos-178.jpg][/hider] --- [hider=Eric Friedman] [b]NAME:[/b] Eric Friedman [b]AGE:[/b] 37 [b]GENDER:[/b] Male [b]NATIONALITY:[/b] British [b]BLOOD PURITY:[/b] Pureblood [b]MARKED?[/b] No [b]APPEARANCE:[/b] [img=http://i3.mirror.co.uk/incoming/article2350376.ece/alternates/s615/FILE-Wales-Forward-Craig-Bellamy-To-Quit-International-Career-Wales-v-Norway-International-Friendly.jpg] (Minus the jersey, of course) [b]PERSONALITY:[/b] Eric is a very friendly person, and isn’t really on bad terms with anyone (as far as he knows). Having been a Hufflepuff, he doesn’t have the bravery of a Gryffindor, nor the cunning of a Slytherin. He [i]does[/i] have the wit of a Ravenclaw, but his friendliness and loyalty gave the Sorting Hat no choice but to put him in Hufflepuff. As a product of his friendliness, he is a very social person, and is more than happy to stop for a chat with someone, even if theres a voice nagging in the back of his head, reminding him that he has something to do, and doesn’t have time to chat. Due to the nature of his work, Eric doesn’t think badly of Muggles at all. It is annoying having to Obliviate masses of them just because of their status, but he doesn’t blame them for it. After all, if the wizard/witch who needed the Accidental Magic Reversal Squad to repair their damage had been competent enough, he wouldn’t have to do anything to begin with. [b]SKILLS AND TALENTS:[/b] [b]Obliviator[/b] [indent]Eric used to work in the Ministry as an Obliviator, and, as expected, is very good at it. He can quickly remove memories from a large group of people, and can also plant false memories if necessary.[/indent] [b]Accidental Magic Reversal[/b] [indent]Having worked in the Accidental Magical Reversal Squad, Eric is capable of reversing most forms of magic, although he isn’t as good at this as he is with Memory Charms.[/indent] [b]Friendly[/b] [indent]These days, most people are worried about their lives more than making friends, but Eric is an exception to this - he is friendly to everyone (except Death Eaters and the like, who unfortunately will never be persuaded to stop and chat), and doesn’t factor a person’s background into his judgement of them. Former Death Eater or member of the Order, Pureblood or Muggleborn; it doesn’t matter to him, as long as the person in question has good character, Eric is perfectly okay with them.[/indent] [b]WAND:[/b] Holly w/ Unicorn hair core, 9 inches, slightly springy. [b]BIO:[/b] Eric was sorted into Hufflepuff when he arrived at Hogwarts, and has made many friends there, including Albert Aldenberg (who Eric had a friendly rivalry with, due to their conflicting personalities) and Kyle McCarthy (Eric was a Chaser for the Hufflepuff Quidditch Team, and Kyle was a Slytherin Beater; they made it something of a game to see how many times Kyle could hit him during their matches). He never got into any real trouble while he was in school, and eventually became an Obliviator in the Accidental Magic Reversal Squad in the Ministry of Magic when he finished his schooling. After Kyle graduated 4 years later, he became an Auror-in-training, and due to the increased number of attacks on Muggles at the time, they ended up working together in the field a lot. He stayed there until about a month or two after Voldemort’s takeover of the Ministry, because he simply couldn’t work for someone so awful and unfriendly. Prior to his decision to leave, however, Kyle contacted him, and Eric agreed to pass on information from inside the Ministry to him; he (Kyle) was in the Order at the time, as well as the fledgling splinter group known as the Ashes. When Eric finally left the Ministry, he was recruited by Kyle into the Ashes, and he became a middleman between Kyle and some of Eric’s friends who were still in the Ministry; this gave Eric an excuse to chat with people, so he had no complaints. [/hider]