My own characters (Siobhan and Ronan) with sort-of-NPCs to come later. --- [hider=Siobhan MacFusty] [center][img=][/center] [b]NAME:[/b] Siobhan MacFusty [b]AGE:[/b] 33 [b]GENDER:[/b] Female [b]NATIONALITY:[/b] British (Scottish) [b]BLOOD PURITY:[/b] Pureblood; 'Blood Traitor' [b]MARKED:[/b] No. [b]APPEARANCE:[/b] Siobhan is fairly short and dainty at only 5'3” – unlucky in that respect as she hasn't grown any taller since she was twelve or thirteen. Her curly blonde hair is cut raggedly out of necessity, uneven in places as she chopped it off herself. Blue-grey eyes, a characteristic of her lineage, seem older than her face despite the first worry lines forming due to stress. She is ghostly pale with light brown freckles; however, she is covered in scars from claws and teeth and breaths of fire. In terms of clothing she dons fashionable witch's robes in her spare time, usually in vibrant, eccentric colours that [i]always[/i] match. When out on the field, Siobhan drops the wizarding clothing for easy to wear Muggle gear. [b]PERSONALITY:[/b] Despite her diminutive size, Siobhan is loud-mouthed and opinionated, an extrovert who seeks to include [i]everyone[/i] in her group of friends. Loneliness is something she hates both in herself and others and is often heavy-handed in her attempts to stave it off. She isn't very tactful, preferring brutal honesty to beating around the bush – bedside manner is something she does not have. Overall, she is quite intelligent; however, it often falls by the wayside in favour of laziness (when faced with the prospect of having to learn something) and foolish bravery (against anything to do with Death Eaters or danger). She also has a damn good memory for faces and names and makes a point of trying to find out what everyone likes and dislikes. Although Siobhan has a tendency to ignore any wounds she receives – “'Tis but a flesh wound” is something she can see herself saying – she despises it in others and will ruthlessly tease anyone who gets injured (while helping them out, of course). [b]SKILLS:[/b] Trained Mediwitch – Siobhan's knowledge of all the basic healing spells (and healthy number of texts to look up those she doesn't) can be incredibly important to the cause, even if it's... not exactly designed for humans. At the very least, she completed a course at St Mungos and has been helping out the Order (and at one point, assisting in Hogwarts) ever since. Speed – Used to diving and dodging around vicious dragons for most of her childhood in order to care for them, she has a healthy appreciation for movement. In addition to this, she is well aware that her position on any away-mission is important enough for her [i]not to get caught[/i]. Keen Eyesight & Observation – It could come from a variety of reasons but her time as Gryffindor's seeker back from 1978 to 1985 definitely increased her ability to spot things others might not. Even without her practice, her vision is above-average at 20/10. In the past it has saved her life and others, having spotted a group of Death Eaters preparing a ranged strike on her group once from a good distance away. [b]WEAKNESSES:[/b] Spotty Education – Siobhan barely paid attention in her later years at Hogwarts, too preoccupied with worrying for her family and the war effort, and while she knows the basic spells (the ones she was tested on), that's about it. In addition to this, she picked subjects that were considered easy like Divination and Care of Magical Creatures. Reckless – Siobhan's always been a sucker for a lost cause. If there's danger, she'll follow it – or rather, charge into it without thinking like a bull. She never had a mind for tactics. Careless Magic – Sometimes, in the thick of it, Siobhan's spellwork gets sloppy. Although she is careful to keep her healing spells correct, in combat her pronunciation can slur producing unwanted effects. [b]WAND:[/b] Sycamore, 14½” with a core of dragon heartstring (Hebridean Black). Extremely flexible. [b]HISTORY:[/b] Siobhan was born into the prestigious MacFusty Clan in the Hebrides Islands, known for keeping the largest (and only) collection of Hebridean Black dragons in the world. The youngest of five children, she was given the choice of what she wanted to do and yet had impossibly large shoes to fill to live up to her siblings'. Her oldest brother was a translator for various magical species; her two sisters were a diplomat and an auror, and her other brother – the one closest to her in age yet still years away – became a Death Eater for many complex reasons, the first of which being [i]to keep the family safe from attacks[/i]. While she was at Hogwarts, she had the time of her life and graduated having been Quiddich Captain for the Gryffindor team and their star seeker, despite worries for the war in the outside world which distracted her from her studies and had her seek out the few pleasures she could find in life. During the summers, she apprenticed on the dragon reserve, hoping to become the manager of it since none of her generation seemed to be stepping up to take on the role, but after school – while Siobhan was on a course for the basic medical training needed for her chosen career path – her clan's home was attacked by Voldemort and his Death Eaters. Her parents were killed and livelihood stolen, kept for rare potions ingredients as and when the Dark Lord required them. Her former home is one of the main hubs for dark activity, behind Azkaban and Riddle Manor. Following the attack, she joined the Order and somehow convinced her brother to become a spy, sending her (and whatever orginisation she was in) details on Death Eater activity. With her future destroyed, she went into full-time training at St. Mungos, rarely targeted by the dark forces for her pure and formerly neutral heritage. When the prospect of a more brutal and definitely more effective group arose, she switched to The Ashes, becoming one of its founding members. [/hider] [hider=Ronan Findley] [center][img=][/center] [b]NAME:[/b] Ronan Findley [b]AGE:[/b] 40 [b]GENDER:[/b] Male [b]NATIONALITY:[/b] French [b]BLOOD PURITY:[/b] Half-Blood [b]MARKED:[/b] Yes. [b]APPEARANCE:[/b] Ronan is of a slight, stick-like build and looks as if the lightest of breezes could blow him over. He is pale with long black hair often pulled back into a ponytail, though strands often fall down to block his view. He looks tired, with dark bags under his eyes, but his hazel eyes are always sharp and alert, devoid of any emotion. If there is such a thing as a Slytherin mask, Ronan has perfected it. He is never seen out of fancy, well-tailored wizarding robes that touch the ground and his jewelled cane shaped in the form of a snake is always present. Ronan walks with what appears to be a painful limp. [b]PERSONALITY:[/b] Ronan is jumpy, paranoid that everyone and anyone is out to get him. He trusts few people in the world – one of them being Siobhan MacFusty, his personal healer, and the other being Albert Aldenberg, whose house he resides in – and for good reasons. Even so, he is stoic in his refusal to show pain either emotional or physical as he desires more than anything else to never seem weak. With a mind for tactics and research and, well, everything, Ronan can be considered a jack of all trades. He is a perfectionist who is never happy with the result of whatever it is he has been doing; a workaholic who spends more time worrying about the war than his own ailing health. Surprisingly, he is never plagued with self-doubt; he is determined and utterly ruthless in his quest to reclaim Britain, even if it is for the wrong reasons: to settle an apparent 'debt' he owes to his dead father. It is why he keeps his good manners and morals even when surrounded in the middle of a war. He cannot be considered even a decent soldier, however, as he fears for his own life too much to be of any use in a situation other than a guaranteed win. [b]SKILLS:[/b] Dueling – In his youth, Ronan was the winner of the 'Junior European Dueling Championship' from the ages of 11-17, where he advanced to the adult level. Before he could make a name for himself, however, he stopped to join the war at Voldemort's call. He was known for his vast spell repertoire and lack of hesitation in his fights. Warding – Ronan's perfectionist nature comes in handy for once when it comes to researching spells to protect The Ashes' main base of operations. He is practically self-taught in this area but is fairly good at creating and tearing down the spells. Occlumency – A necessity, given his family history, Ronan was forced to learn this to keep his thoughts a secret from his father and was later a great boon to isolate and contain the pain from his curse as well as keep the location of The Ashes' base a complete secret. [b]WEAKNESSES:[/b] Cursed – Only three years ago, Ronan was hit by a painful curse that has been slowly turning his body to stone, having taken most of his left leg and patches on his forearm already. It leaves him unable to walk quickly, or duel (due to the movement required) and as far as he knows, nobody currently living in the Wizarding World knows of a counter-curse. With it, he is practically housebound and waiting for death. Perfectionist – Ronan's battle-plans are the work of many sleepless nights and days of single-minded effort. In part, it is because it reflects poorly on him if something goes wrong during a mission, but he is obsessive about everyone leaving alive and in good condition. He never gets enough sleep, usually by choice, as he is always working. [b]WAND:[/b] 11½”, Elm, with a phoenix feather core. Stiff. [b]HISTORY:[/b] Ronan is the illegitimate son of Lord Stephen Findley and a French Muggleborn who was not identified until his seventeenth birthday. Having attended Beauxbatons, he moved to Britain to work in the Ministry of Magic first as an assistant then as the ambassador. It was good that he left home, given his awful reputation for womanizing and Dark Magic – he had a wild youth that he managed to escape after a few decades. When his mother died unexpectedly, Stephen Findley found his son and offered him a place to stay and made him the heir of the family, given it would go to distant cousins anyway since he was childless. Of course, Ronan was a difficult young adult, already taken in by Voldemort's ideals as a Death Eater. His abilities as a duelist were used extensively by the Dark Lord and he was favoured, for a time, before he was delegated to a spy in the Ministry – a job that quickly became defunct when it was taken over completely. Half-heartedly, he threw himself back into raids; however, his father made him promise to leave the ranks as his last request on his death-bed. Voldemort, of course, wanted his inherited manor so as to have another base of power in the Isles. Ronan offered it to him, though kept control of the wards. Stephen Findley's last words had shaken his resolve, and he offered his services to the Order as a spy. It was short-lived but undeniably useful; however, in his haste to stop a raid on Diagon Alley with his information, he failed to check its reliability – it was a 'red herring' of sorts. When he tentatively returned to the Death Eaters, he was tortured, cursed to eventually turn to stone (though it has been slowed considerably with constant healing and check-ups) and barely escaped with his life. Shortly thereafter, Ronan joined The Ashes. [/hider]