[quote=Eklispe] Sol smiled at Cruz, "Magic comes in all sorts of shapes and sizes, no matter what the source it should be accepted. Well except those dark magic people that kill everybody, that's just rude." Sol said thoughtfully. "Anyway I doubt anyone here really cares what kind of magic you use as long as it doesn't involve sacrifices." He looked at Meruin as her friends teleported into the room and she gleefully hugged them. "Guess she opens up to poeple she knows." He said through a mouthful of pancakes. [/quote] "I see...", he said, relieved. Cruz smiled once again as her looked at Meruin and the scene. Suddenly, a screen popped up as Lhermite showed on. [i]"... If I may speak, I do believe that you should pay attention to the quantity of food you are eating and-"[/i], the AI said as he saw that Cruz wasn't alone. Cruz looked away a little bit, sighed and spoke once again. "This is one of a technomage's specialities: Artificial Intelligences. I suppose you may had heard of them, but ours can have a personality as well. This is Lhermite, my personal AI. Lhermite, this is Sol... he's my, uh... friend.", he said, introducing his companion. Inside the screen, Lhermite bowed to Sol. [i]"It's a pleasure to meet you. And I shall thank you for becoming Lord Cruz's friend. You see, he can easily die if he keeps being lonely, just like that legend with rabbits that-"[/i], Lhermite kept speaking, but got interrupted by Cruz. "A-A-As you can see, he talks a lot sometimes.... haha...", Cruz said, totally embarrased. Soon, he heard the Principal and saw another new student: James Hunter. He seemed pretty shy, somewhat similar to Cruz. After the Principal spoke, he left for talking with Meruin about something. "A new student... I do hope he can make a lots of friends.", Cruz said.