Mike watched as the heavy weapons expert of the group looked around the corner, mentioning a barricade that while makeshift, had a few nasty weapons. thinking about the mechs and how they managed to kill a teammate. how shabby was it though? he could see 2x4s and lumber based on the decent but worn state of the enemy gears, but a pile of trash as a barricade would be below his expectations of them. "I agree, this seems off" he muttered as they came under fire, prowler immediately playing the part of a wall, attempting to block the rest of the crew from view as the dove behind the wall. considering the state of the wall and a brief glimpse of the personnel on it, he did not return fire. [I]"Is anyone hit?"[/I] Aiden asked as mike tried to piece this problem together. if they were prior hostages, but if that was the case, they managed to repurpose a good assortment of hardware. while mike was thinking, Aiden had formed a plan and was waving his arm band at the corner. "uhh...ant me to do...." mike asked as Aiden slid halfway out of cover. [I]"It must be the hostages! I think they have some wounded among them too; alright, ma'am, I suggest we approach slowly an-"[I/] Aidens voice was quickly cut off as mike watched a short lived red mist appeared behind his bicep. "ohshit..." the reverberating gunshot confirmed the injury. trusting Esailia and her team to treat Aiden he posted on the corner pistol ready. mike said as he peeked around the corner keying his speakers. "Stand down!, This Is the Landen Defense Force, and you just shot an unarmed man!" mike yelled around the corner. turning back prowler looked to Esailia.