April smiled at his words. [b]"I'm glad you think so too!"[/b] She replied when he spoke about the bonds between trainer and pokemon. Though she couldn't remember meeting Hope, she felt the bond between the two of them stronger than any relationship she'd ever felt before, sometimes even stronger than the one between her father and herself. While he spoke about his hometown, April kept herself quiet. She wanted to let him talk and wanted to simply take it all in herself. So... he was from Cyllage? She hadn't heard too many stories from that town. Other than the one kid who said his talonflame saved him from a pretty brutal bicycle accident. She smiled to herself, listening to him talk about his father. It sounded as if their fathers would get along fairly well. She began to wonder if her father had ever heard of Desmond's. It seemed likely since he seemed to be in a rather interesting field. Father would have probably at least heard of the man before. Her eyes went a bit wide in surprise as Desmond changed focus back to the city itself. She chuckled a bit, listening to him. It didn't matter to her what he spoke about. A story was a story no matter what it fixated on. Plus, it was nice seeing everyone's different stories. One day, April wanted to go around and write down everyone's stories. For what purpose, she didn't know but she sort of felt compelled to do so. Maybe one day when she was older. Hearing him talk about the gym leader, April smiled. [b]"Good, because Viola's your first stop if you plan on taking the gym Leader's on."[/b] She explained, chuckling slightly. She smiled widely when Desmond spoke of a cafe. [b]"I'd love to go there! It sounds lovely!"[/b] She shouted, twirling as she walked. Poor Hope simply followed along, unhappy that they were having to back-track. Still, it'd be a while since she'd seen April like this. Maybe this guy wasn't so bad but... she still wasn't sure about his pokemon. She stared pensively down at the ground as the group continued on. They were very close to Santalune City.