Ajax had been oddly quiet while everyone else got acquainted with eachother. While he was naturally predisposed towards silences, this was rather different. Something was off and the man didn't seem to be quite alright, completely ignoring the dragon and the bounty hunter and everything else that was going on. Only when he awoke in Hyrule did he react once again. He was, however, quite different. He was still quite muscular and had his hands wrapped, but the similarities more or less ended there. Whereas before Ajax had been an older looking man dressed in clothes from Ancient Greece, the one that popped up in the pixelated world could not have been older than 20 and was clad in typical biker or heavy metal clothes, cept they were mostly white. The transition had been rough for him, or so it would seem. Ajax was lying face down a ways off the rest of the group, groaning with his eyes closed. "Death Mountain sounds fun, what's in there?" he asked, still lying face first on the rock hard, smooth 64 bit floor as he heard someone mention the place. Slowly, he got up and dusted himself off as a habit, even though there were no such things as dust or dirtying effects in that era. Ajax took a good look around, taking in the pixelated landscape. He'd never been big on Zelda truth be told, but he could at least recognize he was in one of the games. "Well. This is kinda shitty. Anyone know what the fuck is going on? The name's Ajax and all I can remember is a dragon telling me to look for debris".