Melissa titled her head as the princess had finally introduced herself. Alice, huh? That was a pretty enough name, and one certainly fitting that of royalty. Of course, even a deluded individual such as her could tell that the introduction was every bit as routine as the princess’ methodology. Still, the rouge appreciated the answer to her request. Maybe she wasn’t so pompous after all? [i] “When did you meet Miranda? You two seem like very close friends. You see, my closest friend is my adviser, so I envy you, in a way.”[/i] At first, Melissa had narrowed her eye when the other girl had dared to pet [i]her[/i] Miranda. However, it softened in the short moment of pause she took before answering Alice’s question. Sighing, she leaned her head back on the grainy wall behind her, not caring if it was to be stained by dried blood. “So now you want to try and be my friend again? Well…anyway, Miranda was a gift from my mother. I think it was my tenth birthday?” She smiled brightly. “You should have seen me! I took her around everywhere all the time! Of course, I had to keep her hidden when I decided I was serious about becoming a knight. All things considered, I guess I never let her go. And why should I? She’s the only real thing I have close enough to a friend now.” Melissa said this with a shrug, her tone indifferent. This girl…she was really willing to accept her fate at Death’s hands. All she had left tying her to this world was a stuffed rabbit. That and… “Oh come now Melissa Bellum. Surely you’re not giving up that easily…are you?” The one-eyed girl froze as a new voice entered into the chamber. She immediately backed away from Alice and curled up on the side of the dungeon wall, bringing her knees to her scarred chest. With a trembling hand, she directed Alice’s gaze behind her with a pointed finger. Someone was now in the cell with them. He was a man of considerate stature. Not short, not tall, not really anything else. He wore a dark garb as well as a mangle of chains and locks that seemed to be fitted around his collar area. If he was discomforted by this, then he showed no physical signs of it. White hair cropped at his head, though Melissa would quickly tell anyone that he was no kin to her bloodline. But what was most intriguing was his face. Or rather, lack of it. A gray mask covered his visage as two holes registered a pair of dark yellow eyes, almost golden. With a wave of his arm, the man bowed to both girls. “Greetings Princess Alice of Crescentia. At long last we meet in flesh. Unfortunately, it is not yet our time to cross roads in fate. Mind you, may I ask your pardon for handing over to me that trash you have kept over there? You see, she’s very dangerous and must be put down immediately.” His voice was calm, almost to the point of being stoic. The only thing keeping it from being so was a sense of knowing about it. “Please do not be alerted your Highness,” he assured. “There’s no need to call any of your residual guards. I disposed of them already for you.”